
Diplomatic & Consular Law & Practice (2235.YR.002591.1)

General information






S semester

ECTS Credits:


Teaching Staff:

Group Teacher Department Language
Year 5 Jorge Sellarés Serra Derecho ENG


Public International Law

Previous Knowledge

Basic notions of Public International Law and the European Community Law institutions, as well as other courses such as Civil, Administrative and Criminal Law. Students are expected to be able to read texts in English and French and possibly other languages as well

Workload distribution

Workload distribution:

- Classroom sessions: 50% of total credits (class participation, lecture classes)
- Guided activities: 30% of credits (film forum, visits to consulates, class participation).
- Independent study: 20% of the credits (completion of a report)


The course seeks to establish the necessary foundation for students to acquire a solid training in the area of Public International Law and especially in the field of dipolmatic and consular relations as well as those related to international organisations. It thus aims to provide students with an international perspective on the transnational reality of law, within which different legal systems coincide, overlap and superimpose themselves to the extent they may enter into conflict with one another, and also the ways of redressing these complex situations in the contemporary world.

Course Learning Objectives

The Diplomatic and Consular Law and Practice course aims to provide students a theoretical and practical view of the reality formal international relations faces across multiple facets: diplomatic relations between sovereign states, consular relations, ¿ad hoc¿ democracy, relations with other subjects of International Law and agents and civil servants of international organisations.

Thus, students are expected to:

-Acquire a view and legal understanding of reality, discriminating relevant events in terms of their legal transcendence.
-Work with different legal sources to find the most appropriate means of addressing and providing solutions for the given system.
-Argue and discuss the legal viability of different alternatives.


1. Contents

1. Contemporary dipolmacy
Notion of diplomacy. Historical development of diplomatic and consular relations: their codification. New forms of diplomacy. Classification of entities for international relations.

2. Central state entities
Head of State and Head of the Government. The Minister of Foreign Affairs. Other entities The State's international activity ; the case of Spain.

3. Diplomatic relations I
The right to legation. Establishment of a diplomatic mission. The diplomatic agent and other diplomatic mission personnel. Termination of the diplomatic functions.

4. Diplomatic relations II

Functions of the diplomatic mission. Limits to diplomatic action. Diplomatic privileges and immunity: foundation and entitlement. Individual and organic prerogatives. Special reference to the diplomatic bag.

5. Diplomatic asylum
Concept and difference of related subjects. Substantive and procedural regulations.

6. Consular relations
Establishment of a consular mission. Consular functions. Consular office staff. Consular privileges and immunity. Termination of consular functions.

7. Ad hoc diplomacy
Notion and types of ad hoc diplomacy. Special missions: characteristics and functions. The special mission's privileges and immunities.

8. Multilateral diplomacy
Notion and types. International organisations' right to passive legation: Member state and non-member state representation in international organisations. International organisations' right to active legation.

9. International agents and civil servants
Concept and classification. Legal relation of the civil servant and international administration: legal status of international civil servants. International civil servants' privileges, immunities and facilities.

10. Prevention and repression of crimes against individuals and places that enjoy international status.


The opening sessions will consist of lecture classes. With this theoretical background, the course will move on to analyse practical case studies; each student will be assigned a group of case studies to give a presentation on in class (individually and as part of a group), as well as demonstrate their understanding of the course content through written assignments on a series of brief case studies. Visits to consular offices are considered an essential complementary activity to gain experience of diplomatic and consular relationships. The final film forum session is another activity in which the students should apply that studied to analyse and, if required, detect errors in the selected film or television excerpts. Lastly, students' final reports seek to place them in a context that is as similar as possible to reality and for which they have to analyse the facts they are provided, discussing the issues in an original manner, while employing the knowledge acquired and supplementing it with sound and rigorous arguments based on the law currently in force.

Assessment criteria

Description %
Ongoing assessement 30

Active participation in class 10

Group presentations 10

Case studies 10

Final report 70

Assessment criteria
Students have to write a 12 to 15-page report at home in a three-week period, responding to a complex, imaginary case and applying that learnt in this and other law classes. This report will be graded (along with class participation and the group and individual participations carried out during the four months the course lasts).

Students who do not:
1. Pass the course after the FIRST SITTING due to not attending class, not completing the assignments or copying them will not be able to RE-SIT THE EVALUATION and will therefore have to re-take the course, duly completing the activities specified by faculty.
2. Have the level of competencies required may move on to the next year so long as they pass this course but they will not be able to complete the final degree project until they achieve the level of competencies required for the programme.

Students can only be assessed if they attend the established minimum number of classes, including lectures and participatory sessions. As a percentage, the minimum is 80% for students for the first sitting for the first time and 50% for those re-sitting the evaluation. If students do not meet this condition, their mark will be recorded as "Absent?.


Short bibliography:

básicos de Derecho internacional público, 5th ed., Signo, Barcelona, 2000.

NÚÑEZ HERNÁNDEZ, J.: Normativa y actualidad del Servicio exterior del Estado,
CIDOB edicions, Barcelona, 1997.

NÚÑEZ HERNÁNDEZ, J.: La Función consular en el Derecho español, 2nd edición,
Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Madrid, 2004

PAZ AGÜERAS, J.M.: La Administración General del Estado en el exterior, Ministerio
de Asuntos Exteriores, Madrid, 1999.

PÉREZ DE CUÉLLAR, J.: Manual de Derecho Diplomático, Méjico, 1997.

REMIRO BROTONS, A. (ed.): Derecho Internacional, McGraw-Hill, Madrid, 1997.

SALMON, J.: Manuel de Droit Diplomatique, Bruylant, Bruselas, 1996

VILARIÑO PINTOS, E.: Curso de Derecho Diplomático y Consular (Parte General),
Ed. Tecnos, Madrid, 1992

International treaties

1. Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, April 18, 1961 (published in the official Spanish gazette, BOE,
number 21, 24th January 1968)
a) Protocol on acquisition of nationality
b) Protocol on obligatory jurisdiction for the solution of controversies
2. Vienna Convention on Consular Relations], 24th April 1963 (BOE number 56, 6th March 1970)
a) Protocol on acquisition of nationality
b) Protocol on obligatory jurisdiction for the solution of controversies
3. New York Convention on Special Missions, 16th December 1969, and Protocol on obligatory jurisdiction for the solution of controversies
4. New York Convention on the prevention and punishment of crimes against internationally protected individuals, including diplomatic agents, 14th of December 1973.
5. Vienna Convention on the representation of States in the relations with international organisations of a universal nature, 14th March 1975.
6. New York Convention on the security of United Nations staff and related personnel, 9th December 1994.

Complementary bibliography or material:

ACEVES, W.: "Case concerning the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations
(Federal Republic of Germany v. United States)", American Journal of International
Law 93/4, October 1999, pp. 924-928

ACEVES, W.: "The Right to Information on Consular Assistance in the Framework of
the Guarantees of the Due Process of Law", American Journal of International Law,
94/3, July 2000, p. 550-563

ANGELET, N.: "Le droit des relations diplomatiques et consulaires dans la pratique
récente du Conseil de Sécurité", Revue Belge de Droit International, vol. XXXII, 1999-
1, pp. 149-177

BEKKER, P.: "Difference Relating to Immunity from Legal Process of a Special
Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights", American Journal of International
Law 93/4, October 1999, p. 913-923

GONZÁLEZ VEGA, Javier A.: "Nota sobre la STC 18/1997 de 10 de febrero de 1997",
Revista Española de Derecho Internacional . 1998. 1. Vol. L. pp. 207-217.

GONZÁLEZ VEGA, Javier A.: "Nota sobre la STJ del País Vasco de 30 de noviembre
de 1999, auto del Juzgado de lo Social número 30 de Madrid, de 15 de febrero del 2000
y STJ de Madrid de 27 de octubre de 1997", Revista Española de Derecho Internacional
. 2001. 1 y 2. Vol. LIII. pp. 353-363.

JIMÉNEZ GARCÍA, Francisco: "Nota sobre la providencia de la CIJ de 9 de abril de
1998", Revista Española de Derecho Internacional . 1998. 2. Vol. L. pp. 129-134.

PUSTORINO, P.: "Immunità giurisdizionale delle Organizazioni Internazionali e tutela
dei diritti fondamentali. Le sentenze della Corte Europea nei casi "Waite et Kennedy" e
"Beer e Regan"", Rivista di Diritto Internazionale, vol. LXXXIII, 2000, fasc. 1, pp. 132-

ROBERT, E.: "La protection consulaire des nationaux en péril" Les ordonnances en
indication de mésures conservatoires rendues para la Cour International de Justice dans
les affaires Breard (Paraguay v. États Unis) et Lagrand (Allemagne v. États Unis),
Revue Belge de Droit International, vol. XXI, 1998-2, pp. 413-449
VVAA: "Agora: Breard", American Journal of International Law, vol. 92, October
1998-4, pp. 666-712

Links of interest

International organisations>

Ministries of Foreign Affairs

Timetable and sections

Group Teacher Department
Year 5 Jorge Sellarés Serra Derecho

Timetable Year 5

From 2023/9/4 to 2023/11/27:
Each Monday from 9:00 to 11:00. (Except: 2023/9/11 and 2023/9/25)