Basic bibliography:
1.- Allison, Graham, Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides Trap?, New York, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017.
2.- Bregolat, Eugenio, Chinese second revolution, London, Palgrave MacMillan, 2015.
3.- Brook, Timothy, Great State. China and the World, London, Profile Books, 2019.
4.- Brown, Kerry, London, The Foreign Policy of the World's Newest Superpower, London, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc., 2021.
5.- Brown, Kerry, Xi: A Study in Power, London, Icon Books Ltd., 2022.
6.- Frankopan, Peter, The New Silk Roads: The Present and Future of the World, New York, Knopf, 2019.
7.- Gosset, David (ed.), China and the World. The Long March Towards a Community of Shared Future for Mankind, Bologna, Società Editrice Il Mulino, Volume 1, 2020.
8.- Gosset, David (ed.), China and the World. The Long March Towards a Community of Shared Future for Mankind, Bologna, Società Editrice Il Mulino,Volume 2, 2021.
9.- Jacques, Martin, When China rules the World, London, 2nd ed., Penguin, 2012.
10.- Leonard, Mark, The Age of Unpeace. How Connectivity Causes Conflict, London, Penguin Random House, 2022
11.- Lieberthal, Kenneth, Governing China. From Revolution Through Reform, New York, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc, 1995.
12.- Kissinger, Henry, On China, London, Penguin, 2014.
13.- Mahbubani, Kishore, Has the West Lost It?, London, Penguin, 2019.
14.- Mahbubani, Kishore, Has China Won? The Chinese Challenge to American Primacy, Public Affairs, 2020.
15.- Maçaes, Bruno, Belt and Road: A Chinese World Order, New Delhi, Penguin Random House India Private, 2019.
16.- Mitter, Rana, Modern China: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford, Oxford Univeristy Press, 2016.
17.- Needham, J., The Great Titration: Science and Society in East and West, 1969. Available on the Internet:
18.- Shambaugh, David, China Goes Global. The Partial Power, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013.
19.- Shambaugh, David, China and the World, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020.
20.- Spence, Jonathan, The Search for Modern China, New York, W.W. Norton & Company, 1999.
21.- Vogel, Ezra F., Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China, Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2013.
22.- Xi, Jinping, The Belt and Road Initiative, Beijing, Beijing, Foreign Language Press, 2018.
23.- Xi, Jinping, The Governance of China (III), Beijing, Beijing Foreign Language Press, 2020.
24.- Xi, Jinping, The Governance of China (IV), Beijing, Beijing Foreign Language Press, 2022.
25.- Zhang Weiwei, The China Horizon. Glory and Dream of a Civilizational State, New Jersey, World Century Publishing Corporation, 2016.
Relevant links:
1.- China Europe Global Initiative, Shanghai
2.- China Europe International Business School, Shanghai, China.
3.- Dialogue with China Project, Barcelona (see section LINKS)
4.- Royal Elcano Institute, Madrid
Additional bibliography or material:
Books, articles, analyses
1.- Nathan, Andrew, y Ross, Robert, The Great Wall and the Empty Fortress. China's Search for Security, New York, W. W. Norton & Company, 1997.
2.- Song, Qiang et al., Zhongguo keyi shuo bu (China Can Say No), Beijing, Zhonghua Gongshang Lianhe Chubanshe, 1996.
3.- Soto, Augusto, "The governance of China in a changing world ? a review of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China III?, Beijing Review, 19-01-2021.
4.- Soto, Augusto, La vocación global de China a través de sus personalidades, 29/10/2009.!ut/p/a1/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfGjzOKNQ1zcA73dDQ38_YKNDRwtfN1cnf2cDf1DjfULsh0VAepxmvs!/?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/elcano/Elcano_es/Zonas_es/ARI152-2009
5.- Soto, Augusto, Five Reflections on China, Russia and the US: Problems and Perspectives (II), Strategic Culture Foundation, April 2, 2016.
6.- Soto, Augusto, Five Reflections on China, Russia and the US: Problems and Perspectives (I), Strataegic Culture Foundation, March 26, 2016.