
Communication skills through acting and theatre techniques (2235.YR.015791.1)

General information






S semester

ECTS Credits:


Teaching Staff:

Group Teacher Department Language
Year 2 Mercedes Segura Amat Dirección de Personas y Organización ENG

Group Teacher Department Language
Year 4 Mercedes Segura Amat Dirección de Personas y Organización ENG


Casual wear, comfortable clothes that allow actor's physical movement


The aim of the subject is to promote participants' empathy, persuasion and communication skills, through theatre and acting techniques. As future business leaders, students need to be able to inspire their audiences, to touch the minds and the hearts of the people they work with.

Course Learning Objectives

Performance and the world of law and business, although apparently far apart, have points in common. There is a parallelism between performing in a play and communicating as a lawyer. The actor prepares before going on stage, concentrates, rehearses, knows the stage, and once there, uses his/her face and body expressiveness to convey the desired message and connect with the audience. Each performance is unique, the actor knows that he must prepare thoroughly if he wants to connect and persuade.

Many of the acting techniques are applicable to the communication situations that a lawyer faces on a daily basis. Every trial, every board presentation, every negotiation, every client interview is comparable to a theatrical scene. Lawyers, like actors, should prepare before acting: concentrate and motivate themselves, be aware of their body expressiveness, know their role and move freely around the stage. Once on stage, connect with your audience and adapt according to their needs. And most importantly, enjoy! Actors teach us that our feelings and thoughts are transmitted through our body, face and voice. For this reason, it is vital to go on stage motivated; If the lawyer/actor wants to persuade and get the commitment of his interlocutors, the motivation must start within himself.

The students will internalize and practice acting tools that allow them to explore their ability to express themselves, connect with their own voice and enjoy each act of communication, whether interpersonal or group. The ultimate goal is to connect with their audiences, motivate, convince, impact.


1. Relaxation and concentration of the actor

The need for relaxation and concentration before going on stage, how to do it across breathing.
How to control anxiety.

2. The importance of rehearsal

Rehearsal versus improvisation.
How to rehearse.
How to understand your body language and to read others body language meaning.

3. Stages and audiences

The connection with the audience and the importance of the stage to enrich the message. How to adapt your performance to the different stages

4. Body language

Actor's appearance, relationship between body and mind, voice, energy

5. Communicate to the camera

Nonverbal language in online communication, differences with alive communication.
Technical aspects of online communication: framing, lighting, background.
Streaming and zoom fatigue.

6. Motivation of the actor

Motivation of the actor and "being real". How to motivate for non-motivating speeches. The importance of honesty for great performances.


Every session is divided into two parts: a theoretical framework and practice exercises. Exercises will allow participants to explore their expressiveness, their empathy with others, and give them tips to improve their communication skills.

Assessment criteria

The final grade will be based on the following:

- Attendance and punctuality: 25%
- Participation in Individual and group class exercises: 60%
-Final exam 15%

Attendance is mandatory and is required to pass the course. Under justified circumstances, students can miss a maximum of two sessions. If the student misses more than two sessions, they will not be evaluated.


Eric Morris & Joan Hotchkings (2006). No acting please, Beyond the method. Ermor Enterprises Publishing.
- Richard Olivier (2004). Peak Performance presentations. Spiro press.
- Mercedes Segura (2007). ¡A escena! Lo que el teatro aporta a la comunicación empresarial. Editorial Urano, colección Empresa Activa.
- Tania Clifton-Smith.Breathing to succeed. Penguin Books, 1999.

Timetable and sections

Group Teacher Department
Year 2 Mercedes Segura Amat Dirección de Personas y Organización

Timetable Year 2

From 2023/9/14 to 2023/11/30:
Each Thursday from 8:45 to 10:45. (Except: 2023/10/12)

Group Teacher Department
Year 4 Mercedes Segura Amat Dirección de Personas y Organización

Timetable Year 4

From 2023/9/14 to 2023/11/30:
Each Thursday from 8:45 to 10:45. (Except: 2023/10/12)