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ICFD: Consolidation of Financial Statements (BBA30009)

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Grup Professor Departament Idioma
Ed: 1 Juan Carlos Peralta Niubo Economía, Finanzas y Contabilidad ENG

Grup Professor Departament Idioma
Ed: 2 Juan Carlos Peralta Niubo Economía, Finanzas y Contabilidad ENG


Having passed Accounting and Financial Analysis I, II and III, or having acquired the knowledge taught in it.
It is useful to have passed or complete the training with Corporate Finance

Haber superado materia de Contabilidad y análisis financiero I,II y III, o haber adquirido los conocimientos que se imparten en ella.
Es conveniente haber cursado o completar la formación con Finanzas Corporativas

Distribució de la càrrega de treball

Workload distribution:

Presencial /Presential: 40 h (10 sesiones /Master class)
Tutoría / Tutorial: 4 h
Trabajo personal / Personal work: 40 h

Objectius d'aprenentatge de l'assignatura

Most of the large (and not so large) companies use to structure and organise its activity through different companies, attending its activity (different products, geographic markets, distribution channels, activities, etc.) as well as strategic aspects (business partners, risk limitation strategy, tax regulation or advantages, etc.)

To learn about the global reality of the company from a financial standpoint it is necessary to draw up a consolidated financial statements comprehnsive of the whole assets and liabilities of the group, as well as their revenues and expenses and other business information but eliminating all the effects comming from the internal relations and showing only the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses in relation to third parties.

How to integrate information from different business units will depend on the type of link, but in any case, it is necessary that the information is prepared according to consistent and systematic criteria.

Techniques for consolidating this information should take into account the reality of the internationalization of business activity, not only by the diversity of information obtained from the various subsidiaries, but by the applicable regulations in each market with regard to the preparation of their financial statements.

Finally, we need to know the techniques to prepare the consolidated information to present to the market through the Consolidated Financial Statements and, at the same time, be able to read and understant correctly the information provided by other entities.


15. Ser capaç de comprendre el context relacional de les organitzacions
3. Ser capaç de prendre decisions i/o d'emetre judicis en situacions complexes
2. Ser capaç d'aplicar els coneixements per aconseguir resultats
12. Ser capaç de tenir autonomia, independència, iniciativa i proactivitat
18. Ser capaç de treballar en equip i col·laborar
1. Ser capaç d'adquirir, comprendre i estructurar els coneixements de manera crítica

Relació Activitats amb Competències

15 3 2 12 18 1


1. Professional regulation and procedures applicable to the preparation of consolidated financial statements

2. The obligation to consolidate.

3. Consolidation Methods.

4. Working methodology in the consolidation process

5. Consolidation record bookeeping

6. Treatment of the main consolidation adjustments

7. Dynamics of consolidation

Dynamics of consolidation: first and subsequent years, modification of the group structure, investment and disinvestments in the consolidated companies.

8. Internationalization and their effects on consolidation

Internationalization and their effects on consolidation. Foreign currencies

9. Treatment of the tax effects

Relació Activitats amb Continguts

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



Activitats d'avaluació

Descripció %

Criteris d'avaluació

· Lectures: Attending 10 lectures /classes

· Problem-based learning (PBL): Problem / cases solution

· Discussion in class: Contribution to class discussion

· Case presentation: Assesing the key techical issues regarding the consolidation process

· Final Exam: Test performance

· Students' assignments: Financial consolidation case. In groups


Basic bibliography:

¿ Normas para formulación de las Cuentas Anuales Consolidadas: Real Decreto 1159/2010, de 17 de setiembre
¿ Norma Internacional de Contabilidad (NIC)- International Accounting Standard (IAS) 27.
¿ Norma Internacional de Información Financiera (NIIF) -International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 3
¿ Plan General de Contabilidad: REAL DECRETO 1514/2007, de 16 de noviembre
¿ Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2010, de 2 de julio, de Sociedades de Capital.
¿ Ley del Impuesto sobre Sociedades: Real Decreto Legislativo 4/2004, de 5 de marzo

Horaris i seccions

Grup Professor Departament
Ed: 1 Juan Carlos Peralta Niubo Economía, Finanzas y Contabilidad

Horari Ed: 1

Del 13/9/2017 al 29/11/2017:
Cada dimecres de 11:00 a 14:00. (Excepte: 18/10/2017 i 1/11/2017)

Grup Professor Departament
Ed: 2 Juan Carlos Peralta Niubo Economía, Finanzas y Contabilidad

Horari Ed: 2