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CMP: Implementing strategy: Processes and Indicators (BBA40009)

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Crédits ECTS:



Grup Professor Departament Idioma
Ed: 1 Miguel Angel Heras Forcada Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences ENG
Ed: 1 Marina Masdeu Figa Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences ENG

Grup Professor Departament Idioma
Ed: 2 Miguel Angel Heras Forcada Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences ENG

Coneixements previs

It is necessary a basic knowledge of Strategy and Operations.

Distribució de la càrrega de treball

Workload distribution:

- Faculty presentations/lectures. 20 hours.
- Case study an teamwork preparation, presentation and feedback . 30 hours
- Class teamwork in the Design Thinking Methodology facilitated by Professor. 7 hours.
- Company presentations and discussion. 3 hours
- Video discussion. 2 hours
- Independent work: Reading comprehension and reflexion. 20 hours

Objectius d'aprenentatge de l'assignatura

In today's economy, firms must adapt the design and execution of their strategies to fast-changing circumstances. That is why flexible implementation of strategy with which the whole organisation is aligned has become a key priority for firms.

Various studies show that: (1) under 10% of correctly-formulated strategies are successfully implemented; (2) the cause of business failures lies not in the design of strategy but in its execution. The conclusion to be drawn is that when it comes to strategy, execution is more important than design. Strategy implementation must draw on the lessons that the economic crisis is teaching us. One of these is the need to find ways of anticipating how financial indicators will move. Another lesson is the need for a flexible, well-aligned strategy is something that requires integration between systems of indicators and processes.

There are basically two tools for implementing strategy: Processes and Indicators. In this course, we will study the Process-based Approach and the design of a Performance Measurement System through the Design Thinking Methodology, with the aims of simultaneously cutting costs and boosting flexibility, service and quality.

Course Objectives:

1. To study the process focus as an organisational model orienting the firm towards clients.

2. To analyse the elements that make up Business Process Management and the value provided by the latter's implementation.

3. To learn the Design Thinking Innovation Process to design a Performance Measurement System.

4. To introduce the concepts of Indicators and Performance Measurement Systems or Scorecards as the tools for Strategy Implementation.

5. To explain the KPI concept and present the features that a good' indicator should have.

6. To study the Strategy Map concept and how to design one using the Design Thinking Innovation Process.

7. To analyze the relations between Strategy Map and Business Model Canvas.

8. To identify pitfalls in the implementation of a Performance Measurement System and how to overcome them


7. Ser capaç de comprendre la complexitat del context, en les seves dimensions local i global
3. Ser capaç de prendre decisions i/o d'emetre judicis en situacions complexes
18. Ser capaç de treballar en equip i col·laborar
2. Ser capaç d'aplicar els coneixements per aconseguir resultats
6. Ser capaç de desenvolupar el pensament estratègic i el pensament sistèmic
4. Ser capaç de comunicar informació i/o coneixement
1. Ser capaç d'adquirir, comprendre i estructurar els coneixements de manera crítica

Relació Activitats amb Competències

7 3 18 2 6 4 1
Case discussions, practical exercises and participation              
Team reports on a case study              
Teamwork simulating a Management Team who is working with the Design Thinking Methodology to design a Performance Measurement system.              


1. Processes in organisations and the value they provide.

2. Business Process Management as an organisational model.

3. How to transition from a structure based on departments to Process-based Management.

4. Indicators and Performance measurement Systems or Scorecards.

5. Key Performance Indicators.

6. The Design Thinking Innovation Process

7. The Balanced Scorecard Model.

8. Strategy Maps as a business model and tool to transform intangible assets into tangible ones.

9. Design Prototypes for the Strategy Map. Strategy Map versus Business Model Canvas.

10. Integrating Performance Measurement Systems and Business Process Management.

11. Operational Indicators and Dashboards.

12. The management team meeting after Scorecard Implementation.

13. Aligning people within the organisation.



Relació Activitats amb Continguts

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Case discussions, practical exercises and participation                              
Team reports on a case study                              
Teamwork simulating a Management Team who is working with the Design Thinking Methodology to design a Performance Measurement system.                              


The methodology is highly participatory and action-oriented. It combines presentations and class discussions and requires constant interaction with and by participants, and group work on cases and exercises. This work is mainly carried out in class, with student groups simulating a company's senior management teams. The professor develops the theory and facilitates/ guides team discussion.

Consistent, quality class participation is expected. Participants will have the opportunity to express their ideas during the lectures and during case discussions, exercises,debates and readings.


Activitats d'avaluació

Descripció %
Case discussions, practical exercises and participation 20
Team reports on a case study 40
Teamwork simulating a Management Team who is working with the Design Thinking Methodology to design a Performance Measurement system. 10

Criteris d'avaluació

Grading and Performance Standards

The evaluation is mainly based on students' class work, in which they simulate the deliberation of management teams.

The grading and performance standards will entail the following aspects:

- Case Studies Reports and Practical Exercises developed in class 40%
- Participation (*) 30%
- Final Assignment Case Study 30%

(*) Participation comprises class attendance, oral presentations from case studies,
individual contributions during the sessions and individual and team exercises.


Basic bibliography:

- Hammer, M and Hershman L.W. (2010), Faster Cheaper and Better. The 9 Levers for Transforming Ho Work Gets Done. New York: Crown Business.

- Kaplan, R.S. and Norton, D.P. (2008), The Execution Premium. Linking Strategy to Operations for Competitive Advantage. Boston, Massachussets: Harvard Business Scool Publishing.

- Liedtka, J., King, A. and Bennet, K. (2013), Solving Problems with Design Thinking. 10 Stories of What Works. Columbia University Press, New York.

- Paladino, B. (2011), Innovative Corporate Performance Management. Five Key Principles to Accelerate Results. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey.

Additional bibliography or material:

- Heras, M., Sierra, V. and Cusumano, J. (2006), "A Set of Requirements For Analysis of Performance Measurement Systems", presented at the Fifth International Conference on Performance Measurement and Management.

- Kaplan, R. and Norton, D. (2006) Alignment: Using the Balanced Scorecard to Create Corporate Synergies, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

- Lockwood, T. (2009), Design Thinking: Integrating Innovation, Customer Experience, and Brand Value. Allworth Press, New York.

- Marr, B. (2012), Key Performance Indicators. The 75 measures every manager needs to Know. Pearson, London.

- Parmenter, D. (2010), Key Performance Indicators. Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs. New Jersey: John Wiley & S

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Horaris i seccions

Grup Professor Departament
Ed: 1 Miguel Angel Heras Forcada Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences
Ed: 1 Marina Masdeu Figa Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences

Horari Ed: 1

Del 14/9/2017 al 5/10/2017:
Cada dijous de 11:00 a 14:00.

Del 26/10/2017 al 30/11/2017:
Cada dijous de 11:00 a 14:00.

Grup Professor Departament
Ed: 2 Miguel Angel Heras Forcada Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences

Horari Ed: 2

Del 22/1/2018 al 2/2/2018:
De dilluns a divendres de 11:00 a 14:00.