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Consumer insights: an action-oriented approach for managerial decision making (18BBA20885)

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Créditos ECTS:



Grupo Profesor Departamento Idioma

Grupo Profesor Departamento Idioma
Ed: 1 Mònica Casabayó Bonás Marketing ENG


Making the right decisión is complex. Companies have to frame the questions properly, find the right data to support the analysis and do all this in a way that is transparent and repeatable. Before creating products and services that provide real value, you should first identify touchpoints?areas where business and customer needs intersect. Using various marketing research techniques you'll learn how to turn customer observations into actionable insight for marketing decisions.

Objetivos de aprendizaje de la asignatura

* Understanding the complex customer journeys and paths to purchase and beyond
* Processing patterns, given the overwhelming amount of information and stimuli
* Defining customer metrics for managerial decisions

Criterios de evaluación

Participation: this mark takes into account student attendance as well as their contribution to and the interest they demonstrate in class and the web of the course.

Project: this mark takes into account the company's feedback and the professor feedback. Students must attend the project presentations day to be able to average with the other marks.

Horarios y secciones

Grupo Profesor Departamento


Grupo Profesor Departamento
Ed: 1 Mònica Casabayó Bonás Marketing

Horario Ed: 1