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Business-Government relations: markets, public sector and lobbying (18BBA80100)

Datos generales






S semestre

Créditos ECTS:



Grupo Profesor Departamento Idioma
Angel Pascual Ramsay Dirección General y Estrategia ENG




3. Business Location

Focus: The relation between local governments and international business; How business selects locations; How governments attract business.

4. Introduction

Focus: Meaning of business-government relations; How do governments interact with and affect business

5. Regulation

Focus: What is regulation, why is it needed, and what types exist.

6. Market-based governance in numbers

Focus: How can we define market-based governance; and how can we measure it: Public Procurement & Contracting

7. The public sector

Focus: The functioning and the logic of the public sector; Differences with respect to the private sector; From government to governance

8. Other SOther State-Market relations tate-Market relations

Focus: Government capture by organized private interests; State-capitalism

9. Public-private partnerships

Focus: What are PPPs; and which are the main management imperatives

10. Public networks

Focus: How to manage in a fragmented, complex, cross-sector environment

Relación de Actividades con Contenidos

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


The methodology used is designed to encourage active student participation and consists of a combination of lectures, analysis and discussion of case studies, self-directed learning based on recommended readings, teamwork, as well as learning from experiences shared by invited guest lecturers.


Actividades de evaluación

Descripción %

Criterios de evaluación

Course assessment is based on:
¿ Individual class participation: cases and discussions with guest speakers (20%),
¿ Group work (readings presentations) (50%), and
¿ Individual case report (30%).
Group work instructions
In all sessions but three (sessions 1, 6, and 10), groups will present the basic readings. One group will present per session.
Presentations may use powerpoint support, and each shall last 10 minutes approx.
Instructions for individual case report
All students will have to deliver an individual case report by [see Moodle] and present it on that same day¿the course¿s last session.
A case report is a concise (3 pages) document based on newspaper articles¿Financial Times and Wall Street Journal¿and web material describing a specific case of Business-Government Relations. The case report shall be structured as follows:
¿ Title of case
¿ What is the public problem faced?
¿ Who are the public and private actors involved?
¿ How do the private and public actors interact?
¿ How does the relationship deal with the public problem?
¿ What is the rationale for the private actor¿s participation? And the public actor¿s?
¿ What are the key areas of risk and managerial challenges?


Selected readings will be provided in Moodle.

Horarios y secciones

Grupo Profesor Departamento
Angel Pascual Ramsay Dirección General y Estrategia


Del 8/1/2019 al 18/1/2019:
De lunes a viernes de 8:00 a 11:00.