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Derecho Internacional Privado (GED70427)

General information






S semester

ECTS Credits:


Teaching Staff:

Group Teacher Department Language
Sec: M Beatriz Añoveros Terradas Derecho CAT

Group Teacher Department Language
Sec: T Beatriz Añoveros Terradas Derecho ESP

Workload distribution

Classroom-based activities: 28 hours, 40% of total credits
Guided activities: 56 hours, 30% of credits
Independent study: 36 hours, 30% of credits


Due to globalisation, the reality of contemporary society is that there are marriages between people of different nationalities, international adoption, divorces that affect minors due to their parents being residents in different states, international trade contracts, multinational companies, judicial decisions made in one country with effects in others, etc. In fact, all the sectors regulated by Private Law can be affected by an international factor. The PIL course teaches students to focus on the judicial treatment that should be applied to private law scenarios that involve a foreign element and solve the different issues these raise. The second Private International Law course seeks to analyse typical PIL problems with regard to the range of subjects that make up the special part of the course.

Course Learning Objectives

The Private International Law Course seeks to introduce students to the aforementioned contemporary reality and for them to become able to correctly grasp the implications that the current fragmentation of the legal world has for private legal relations. This implies that students must be capable of understanding the issues posed by Private International Law with regard to specific private legal relationships, as well as also being able to address simple problems in this area.

The specific aims of this first course in Private International Law (PIL) are:

Know how to identify, distinguish between and describe the areas of the current legal world that PIL is involved in and know how to identify and describe the structure of the focus of these areas within PIL as well as understand the logic of PIL and apply it in specific scenarios.

Understand, know how to identify and distinguish between the different levels of regulations: national, European Community and international and know how to interrelate the range of levels and determine their application for specific scenarios.

Understand the international legal competency regulations that determine the competency of Spanish judicial authorities in private international scenarios (Family Law and Succession and Property Law) and know about, be able to distinguish and understand how this competency is articulated with foreign authorities as well as understand the principal regulation instruments and the basic principles of international cooperation.

Know, be able to distinguish and understand the different types of regulations and legal techniques used to determine the law applicable to private international scenarios and the different problems arising from the application of these regulations and understand the articulation between the international judicial competency regulations and the applicable law.

Know how to articulate and apply the regulatory sources to different areas of PIL scenarios (Family Law and succession and Property Law) and know how to apply the most important regulatory sources with this aim in mind and resolve simple problems regrading the argumentation underpinning the determination of the applicable law to the most current scenarios that arise from litigation related to private international law relationships.

Understand the different types, regimes, requirements and efficiency procedures used in Spain for judicial resolutions and extrajudicial foreign resolutions in Spain and understand the principal regulation instruments and their application to specific sectors as well as understand the articulation between regulations regarding the efficacy of foreign resolution regulations with the applicable legal regulations and international judicial competency regulations.


9. Autonomy, independence, initiative, pro-activeness
5. Ability for continuous learning Ability to learn continually


1. Thematic section 1. Introduction and sources

Topic 1. Private International Law scenarios, aim and nature
a) PIL scenarios and the necessity for PIL
b) Precision of the aim and nature of PIL
c) The characteristics of current PIL: specialisation, flexible nature and materialisation.
d) National, European Community and international dimensions of PIL

Topic 2. The PIL system of sources
a) The diversification of sources of current PIL: autonomous, conventional and institutional PIL
b) The Spanish Autonomous PIL system: development and current situation
c) The role of international agreements: conventional PIL in the context of international organisations
d) PIL in the European Union: The develop of PIL within the EC: extending the phenomenon to the entire Community. The role of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

2. Thematic section II. Judicial and extrajudicial agreement over differences

Topic 3. Legal resolution of differences: international judicial competency
a) Methods to resolve differences
b) International judicial jurisdiction and competency
c) Basic regulation framework of the international judicial competency: principal characteristics and their position in the system
d) Concept and typology of international judicial competency. Excusive forums. Role of the autonomy of will. General forums and special forums. Protection forums.
e) The control of international judicial competency
f) Litispendence and links between cases

Topic 4. Proceedings with a foreign element
a) The law applicable to the proceedings
b) The parts of the proceedings. The benefit of free justice.
c) Documents executed abroad
d) International judicial assistance: particular examination of the notification and the gathering of evidence abroad

Topic 5. Recognition of foreign decisions
a) International efficacy of decisions: Recognition and execution
b) The Spanish system of recognition and execution: plurality of sources
c) The exequátur of autonomous PIL.
d) Special regimes: International agreements
e) The recognition and execution of decisions in the European Union
f) The executive European title

Topic 6. Extrajudicial resolution of differences
a) International arbitration: applicable regulations
b) The arbitration agreement
c) The arbitration proceeding. Law applicable to the proceeding. Law applicable to the content
d) The efficacy the arbitration decision
e) Alternative proceedings to resolve differences

3. Thematic section III. Determination of the applicable law

Topic 7. Regulation techniques
a) The plurality of regulation techniques
b) The imperative regulations of PIL
c) Special material regulations of PIL
d) Uniform Law agreements
e) "Lex mercatoria"
f) Conflict regulation: structure and function.- The point of connection and the mobilitiy conflict

Topic 8. Application problems
a) Articulation between the conflict regulations and direct techniques
b) Return and remission to a multi-legislation system
c) Qualification and the preliminary issue
d) Adaptation problems
e) Information and evidence of foreign laws
f) Exceptions to the application of foreign laws: the public order

4. Thematic section VI. Individual, family and inheritance

Topic 9. The capacity and rights of the individual
a) The Law covering the individual: mobility conflict and problems of connection application
b) The exception of national interest
c) The rights of the individual: special reference to the right to a name

Topic 10. Matrimony
a) The celebration of matrimony: questions of content and form. The preliminary question.
b) Recognition of marriages held abroad
c) The Law applicable to the effects of matrimony
d) Marriage agreements
e) Same-sex marriages and unmarried couples

Topic 11. Nullity, divorce and separation
a) Competency of authorities
b) Applicable law
c) Recognition and execution of foreign decisions

Topic 12. Ffiliation
a) Establishment of filiation by nature
b) International adoption
c) Parent child relationships and parental responsibility

Topic 13. The international protection of individuals
a) International protection of minors: competency, applicable law, recognition and execution of decisions and cooperation of authorities
b) International abduction of minors.
c) The international protection of adults: competency, applicable law, recognition and execution of decisions and cooperation of authorities

Topic 14. Succession due to death.
a) Competency of authorities. Administration of succession.
b) Applicable Law. The return.
c) Testate succession. The structure of the will.
d) Intestate succession. Qualification problems.
e) Successions, matrimony and filiation. Preliminary questions and adaptation problems

5. Thematic section V. Companies, deeds and property

Topic 15. International contracts
a) Conflict resolution. International legal competency. Applicable law. Subjective and objective connection. Applicable law to the content and form.
b) Protection of the weaker party: consumer and labour contracts
c) Impact of imperative norms
d) some international contracts in particular

Topic 16. Extra-contractual obligations
a) Localisation of the illicit deed.
b) International judicial competency
c) Applicable law.- The contractual extra-contractual responsibility relationship
d) Particular aspects of some cases of extra-contractual responsibility

Topic 17. Real rights
a) Real estate
b) Corporeal moveable property. Mobility conflict.
c) Non-corporeal moveable property

Relation between Activities and Contents

1 2 3 4 5
Assignments and out-of-class activities          
Classroom activities          
Final written exam          


Teaching-learning methodology:
Each thematic section will be taught using lecture classes, participatory classes and complementary self-evaluated exercises, as well as the completion of case studies done outside of class hours.

These activities will be undertaken in small groups under the guidance of an assigned faculty member. The latter will also announce the set assignments on the course webpage and whether or not they have to be completed in class or outside of class hours.

Learning modalities:
1. Lecture classes in which the course content will be explained.
2. Practical classroom activities in which assignments will be completed in conjunction with discussions on the arguments explaining the solutions.



Description %
Assignments and out-of-class activities 15
Classroom activities 25
Final written exam 60

Assessment criteria

The assessment of students' knowledge will be undertaken using ongoing assessment activities and the exams as specified. The ongoing assessment component requires student attendance and participation in the both the lecture and participatory classes. Their understanding and mastery of general concepts will be assessed in addition to their acquisition of the course's specific competences.

Students will have to undertake practical activities and complete set assignments on a regular basis in accordance with the faculty's guidelines.

Students who do not:
1. Pass this course in the FIRST-SITTING due to not attending class, not completing the assignments specified or copying these will not be able to RE-SIT THE FINAL and will thus have to re-take the course, duly completing the activities specified by faculty.
2. Have the level of required competencies may move on to the next year so long as they pass this course but they will not be able to complete the final degree project until they achieve the level of competencies required for the programme.


Short bibliography

Legislation sources
BORRÁS RODRÍGUEZ, A.; BOUZA VIDAL, N.; GARCIMARTÍN ALFÉREZ, J.F; VIRGÓS SORIANO, M.: Legislación básica de Derecho internacional privado español, 23rd ed., Madrid (Tecnos), 2013.

Recommended Spanish language bibliography
ABARCA JUNCO, P. (dirección): Derecho internacional privado, vol. I (con la colaboración de GÓMEZ JENE, M.- GUZMÁN ZAPATER, M.-HERRANZ BALLESTEROS, M.- MIRALLES SANGRO, P.P- PÉREZ VERA, E., VARGAS GÓMEZ-URRUTIA, UNED, 2013.

BORRÁS RODRÍGUEZ, A (Coord.): La cooperación en materia civil en la Unión Europea: Textos y comentarios, Cizur Menor (Aranzadi), 2009.

CALVO CARAVACA, A.L.; CARRASCOSA GONZÁLEZ, J.: Derecho internacional privado, vol. I, 15ª ed., Granada (Comares), 2014 y vol. II, 15ª ed., Granada (Comares), 2014.

FERNÁNDEZ ROZAS, J.C.; SÁNCHEZ LORENZO, S.: Derecho internacional privado, 7ª ed., Madrid (Civitas), 2013.

GARCIMARTÍN ALFÉREZ, J.F.: Derecho internacional privado, Madrid, Civitas, 2ª ed. 2014.

GONZÁLEZ CAMPOS, J.D.; FERNÁNDEZ ROZAS, J.C.; GARAU, L.; CALVO, A.L; VIRGÓS, M.; AMORES, M.A.; DOMÍNGUEZ, P.: Derecho internacional privado. Parte especial, 6ª ed. Revisada, Madrid (Eurolex), 1995.

ESPLUGUES MOTA, C.; IGLESIAS BUHIGUES, J.L.: Derecho Internacional privado, 7ª ed., Valencia (Tirant Lo Blanch), 2013.

VIRGÓS SORIANO, M.; GARCIMARTÍN, F.J.: Derecho procesal civil internacional: litigación internacional, Madrid (Civitas), 2007.

Bibliography in other languages
AUDIT, B.: Droit international privé, 6ª éd., París, 2010.

BATIFFOL, H.; LAGARDE, P.: Traité de Droit international privé, 8ª ed., vol. I, París, 1993; 7ª ed., vol. II, París, 1983.

BUCHER, A.; BONOMI, A.: Droit international privé, Basilea (Helbing & Lichtenhahn), 2ª ed., 2004.

NORTH, P.M., FAWCETT, J.: Cheshire & North: Private international Law, 14ª ed., Londres, 2008.

KEGEL, G., SCHURIG, K.: Internationales Privatrecht, 9ª ed., Múnich (Beck), 2004.

KROPHOLLER, J.: Internationales Privatrecht, 5ª ed.,Tübingen, 2006.

Online resources
Boletín Oficial del Estado (Official State gazette):

International Chambre of Commerce (ICC):

International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes:

Commission on European Contract Law:

International Commission on Civil Status (ICCS):

Hague Conference on Private International Law:

Conferencia Interamericana especializada en Derecho internacional privado (CIDIP, Interamerican specialised conference in international private law):

Council of Europe:

Consejo General del Poder Judicial, General Council for Judicial Authority:

European Group for Private International Law (GEDIP):

International Law Institute:


Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation:

Ministry of Justice:

Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs:

United Nations:

World Trade Organisation (WTO):

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO):

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (ONUDI):

Constitutional Court:

European Court of Human Rights:

Court of Justice of the European Union:

United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL):

International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT):

European Union:

Timetable and sections

Group Teacher Department
Sec: M Beatriz Añoveros Terradas Derecho

Timetable Sec: M

From 2015/1/27 to 2015/5/14:
Tuesday and Thursday from 10:45 to 12:45.

Tuesday 2015/5/19 from 16:00 to 19:00.

Group Teacher Department
Sec: T Beatriz Añoveros Terradas Derecho

Timetable Sec: T

From 2015/1/27 to 2015/5/14:
Tuesday and Thursday from 14:00 to 16:00.

Tuesday 2015/5/19 from 16:00 to 19:00.