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Derecho de Nacionalidad y Extranjería (GED75120)

General information






S semester

ECTS Credits:


Teaching Staff:

Group Teacher Department Language
Eduard Sagarra Trias Derecho ESP


5. Ability for continuous learning Ability to learn continually
9. Autonomy, independence, initiative, pro-activeness
25. Change management



Lesson 1. Nationality and Nationality Law
The population of the State; the State's personal competencies. Concept and nature of the national bond. Domestic and international aspects of nationality. Effects. Spanish regulations regarding nationality: a) the Spanish Constitution (1978); b) Civil Code; c) the most recent modifications and the Law on Historical Memory. The role of the Directorate General of Registries and Notary Publics (DGRN). Instructions and resolutions. Impact of the international treaties on the regulation of Spanish nationality in Spain.

Lesson 2. Attribution of Spanish nationality
General ideas. Spanish nationality of origin. Nationality by origin and nationality by birth: characteristics and effects. Attribution of nationality by family origin. Attribution of nationality by birth. Access to nationality. The possession of status. Obtaining nationality through the exercise of the right to choice: scenarios and requirements. The Law on Historical Memory 52/2007 and nationality by origin. The declaration of nationality.

Lesson 3. The acquisition of Spanish nationality
Concept. Historical development. Spanish Law: a) due to charter regarding the nature of nationality; b) due to residence in Spanish territory: scenarios and requirements. Importance of applicant's legal residence. The nationalisation file: requirements and processing. Effects of nationalisation and civil status in Spain.

Lesson 4. Loss, conservation and recovery of nationality
General ideas. Loss of Spanish nationality: a) voluntary loss: requirements and scenarios; b) involuntary loss: admissibility scenarios. Recovery of Spanish nationality in the range of scenarios covered by the Civil Code. The conservation of Spanish nationality. Spanish nationals abroad and historical immigration. The nationality of corporations, foundations, companies and individuals in Spanish regulations.

Lesson 5. Conflicts over nationality
Positive and negative conflicts. 1) Double nationality. Double nationality as an anomaly. Double nationality and the Spanish Constitution (1978): a) conventional double nationality; b) double nationality agreements with Ibero-American countries; c) double nationality without double nationality agreements between countries: scenarios. Impact of European Community regulations, Schengen and double nationality agreements. 2) The condition of being stateless: concept and causes. Conventional regime for the stateless and regulation provided by Spanish Royal Decree on Stateless Persons dated 20 July, 2001.


Lesson 6. The legal regime for foreigners
General considerations on Immigration Law. Immigration, emigration and asylum policies. Legal condition of foreigners. Immigration and Immigration Law in Spain in 2012. Forms of attributing rights to foreigners. The European Union and the legal/ political regime that regulates Immigration Law. Demographics and Immigration Law. Integration of immigrants in the host state. Special reference to the situation in Spain.

Lesson 7. General features of the Spanish system
The 1978 Constitution. Organic Laws and regulations prior to the year 2000. Organic Law 4/2000, 11 January, and its modification by Organic Law 8/2000, 22 December, and Law 2/2009, 11 December (published in the BOE, 12 December 2009). Regulation 557/2011. Foreigners' rights: a) Fundamental rights and public freedoms; b) political rights: active and passive suffrage in municipal elections; c) access to public functions; d) other rights and public liberties. Rights of a civil and commercial nature. The 2012 regulation on foreigners' right to healthcare.

Lesson 8. Entry, permanence, exit and expulsion of foreigners in Spain
General ideas. The entry of foreigners into Spain. The visa in Spanish Law: types, requirements and effects. The European Union visa. Situation of foreigners in Spain: a) short stay; b) residence: conditions and requirements; c) exit.-The Schengen agreement and European Community Law. Special or privileged immigration law situations: legal or conventional- Special regime for European Union citizens in Spain (vid RD 1701/2011).

Lesson 9. Atypical forms of entry and residence
Family reunification. Concept and regulation under Law 2/2009. European Union Directive on family reunification. The quota or annual contingents system. International agreements on the subject. The system to regularise ordinary and extraordinary immigration cases in Spain. Incentivised return.

Lesson 10. Sanctioned immigration law regime
General Ideas. System of infractions and sanctions. Exit from the territory a) voluntary exit; b) compulsory exit; c) expulsion; d) prohibition of entry; e) return to place of origin: scenarios and procedures. Internment. The EU "Returns" Directive. Fines and other sanctions. Sanctions against transport companies. Foreigners in the Spanish Penal Code. Criminal Law and Immigration Law.

Lesson 11. Employment and residence regime for foreigners in Spain
Employment for foreigners in Spain: self-employed and salaried employees. Administrative authorisation to work and the work permit. Employment of citizens from an EU member state in another member state. Approval and recognition of academic studies and qualifications and their professional validity. Treaties on the condition of migrant workers.

Lesson 12. Special Spanish immigration law regime: The stateless, asylum seekers and refugees.
General considerations. International and domestic regulation of asylum and refugee status. The 1951 Geneva Conventions and the 1967 New York Protocol. The Statute on the Stateless. Spain's adherence to the Agreement on the Stateless Statute. Other conventional instruments in the European Union.Spanish regulation of asylum and refugee status. The 1978 Constitution and asylum. The Regulatory Law on the Right to Asylum and the condition of the refugee. Historical evolution from 1984 to 2010. Law 12/2009, 30 October, regulating the right to asylum and subsidiary protection (BOE 31, October 2009).


Lesson 13. European Union Citizenship.
Concept and characteristics. Precedents and regulation in the Union Treaty. Regulation in the Maastricht, Amsterdam, Nice, and Lisbon Treaties. Rights covered. Union citizenship and the fundamental rights and freedoms. The European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights. Union citizenship and European citizens. The new Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union, 2nd March 2012:

I. Legislation, doctrine, websites
A) Spanish nationality legislation
1) Spanish Constitution: Art. 11.
2) Civil Code: Art. 17 a 28.
3) Law 36/2002, dated 8 October, modifying the Civil Code sections regarding nationality (published in the BOE, 9 October 2002).
4) Law 40/2006, 14 December, on the Statute of Spanish citizens abroad (BOE, 15 December 2006, page 44156).
5) Law 52/2007, 26 December, on "Historic Memory", recognising and expanding rights and establishing measures in favour of those persecuted or suffering violence during the Spanish Civil War and posterior dictatorship (BOE, 27 December 2007).
6) Double citizenship treaties (included in any summary texts on nationality). Civitas, Tecnos, Lex Nova, etc.
7) Spanish Ministry of Justice website:
8) Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs website:
9) Spanish Ministry of Labour and Immigration website:

B) Currently valid legislation covering immigration law and asylum
1. Spanish Constitution (1978): Art. 10; 13; 24; 53; y 96.
2. Internal sources:
a. Immigration Law
- Organic Law 2/2009, 11 December, modifying Organic Law 4/2000, 11 January, on the rights and freedoms of foreign nationals in Spain and their social integration (BOE, 12 December 2009).
- Royal Decree 557/2011, 20 April, passing the Regulations governing Organic Law 4/2000, 1 January, on the rights and freedoms of foreign nationals in Spain and their social integration after its modification by Organic Law 2/2009.
b. Asylum and refugee status
- Law 12/2009, 30 October, regulating the right of asylum and subsidiary protection (BOE, 31 October 2009).
- Royal Decree 2037/1995, 10 February, passing the Regulations to apply the Law on Asylum and the Condition of Refugee (BOE, 2 March 1995).
- Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (Geneva, 28 July 1951) and the New York Protocol (31 January 1967).
c. Stateless persons
- Royal Decree 865/2001, 20 July, passing the Regulations regarding the recognition of the Statute of Stateless. por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de reconocimiento del Estatuto de Apátrida (BOE de 21 julio del 2001).
- New York Convention, 28 September 1954, on the Status of Stateless Persons, Spain's adhesion on 24 April 1977 (BOE, 4 July 1997).
d.-Passive extradition
- Law 4/1985, 21 March, on passive extradition (BOE, 26 March 1985).
- European Convention on Extradition, 13 December 1957. Ratified by Spain, 21 April 1982 (BOE, 8 June 1982) and the first and second Additional Protocols on 15 October 1985 (BOE, 11 June 1985) and 17 March 1978 (BOE, 11 June 1985).
- European Convention drawn up on the basis of Article K3 of the Treaty on European Union in Dublin, 27 September 1996 (BOE, 24 February 1998).
3. Conventional:
- International treaties on human rights signed and ratified by Spain (refugees, United Nations treaties on civil and political rights, stateless persons, rights of children, etc.).
- Interntional Convention on the Protection of the Rightsof All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, 18 December 1990 (Resolution 45/158, in force since July 2003).
- Kingdom of Spain's adhesion to the Schengen Agreement, 14 June 1985, regarding the gradual elimination of border controls, signed in Schengen on 19 June 1990 (BOE, 5 April 1994).
4. European Community:
- Treaty on European Union, signed in Maastricht, 7 February 1992, and modified by the Treaty of Amsterdam, 2 October 1997 and by the Treaty of Nice, 26 febrero 2001. (Spain authorised it by virtue of Ogranic Law 3/2001, 6 November (BOE 7 noviembre del 2001)).
- Treaty of Lisbon, 13 December 2007.
- Royal Decree 240/2007, 16 February, modified by Royal Decree 1701/2011, on the entry and permanence of European Union nationals and those from other states in Spain. Stemming from the European Economic Area Agreement (BOE, number 51, 28 February 2007).
- EC Council Regulation 539/2001, 15 marzo 2001, listing third countries whose nationals are required to hold visas to cross foreign borders and nationals from states exempt from this obligation (DOCE, 21 March 2001).
- Other regulations, European Community directives and dispositions regarding the free movement of workers, the provision of services, visas, asylum, refugee status, approval of qualifications, establishment of companies, immigration, etc.


The course is aimed at Spanish or international students with a good level of Spanish. If this is not the case, students will find it difficult to keep up with the normal pace of the course.

The course is fundamentally practical and based on Spanish legislation that is currently in force though adapted to any changes made to the legislation and regulations published or coming into force during the course. It will also involve a range of practical case studies, texts and readings that will be specified and discussed in class.

The course will pay special attention to the detailed study of the most important laws, treaties and the most recent regulations (between 2009 and 2012) that have come into force: Law on Asylum, Organic Law on Foreign Nationals; 2011 Regulations and the Treaty of Lisbon and the Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

At the start of the course we will examine the doctrinal sources of the laws. However, the 2011 regulation will above all be studied; it is available through doctrinal articles and commentaries which may be consulted online in electronic journals.

Part of the course will be delivered through papers and presentations given by the students, with a maximum of two students per presentation and for which they should produce lessons or summaries, especially on the subject of immigration law. In addition, brief practical assignments or jurisprudence commentaries will be set throughout the course. The course is based on class attendance; if students miss more than two classes and do not provide satisfactory justification, they will not be able to sit the final exam.

Assessment of students' knowledge is done through ongoing assessment, taking into account attendance, class contributions, assignments, practical exercises and presentations. At the end of the course there will be a final exam on the course content.

The recommended bibliography in addition to other works on the subject can be found in the ESADE library (books and journal articles). For the nationality section, the book by Aurelia Álvarez is a useful resource. With regard to the immigration, asylum and citizenship, students should consult the textbook by Dr. Sagarra and the material handed out and sent via email. In addition, there is an article by the lecturer on foreign nationals' constitutional rights in Spain. The revised bibliography will be sent to students by email during the course as and when articles or texts of interest become available.



Description %
Ongoing assessment, attendance, class contribution, assignments, practical activities, presentations and final project 100

Assessment criteria

Attendance is obligatory.

The assignments and presentations given in class represent 60% of the overall course mark. The final exam represents the remaining 40%.

Students who do not:
1. Pass this course in the FIRST-SITTING due to not attending class, not completing the assignments specified or copying these will not be able to RE-SIT THE FINAL and will thus have to re-take the course, duly completing the activities specified by faculty.
2. Have the level of required competencies may move on to the next year so long as they pass this course but they will not be able to complete the final degree project until they achieve the level of competencies required for the programme.


A) Nationality
- ÁLVAREZ RODRÍGUEZ, AURELIA: Nacionalidad Española. Normativa vigente e interpretación Jurisprudencial. Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración ED Thomson Aranzadi Madrid 2008.

- ÁLVAREZ RODRÍGUEZ, AURELIA. Principios Inspiradores y objetivos de la nueva reforma del Derecho español de la nacionalidad: las principales novedades de la Ley 36/2002 de 8 de octubre. Revista de derecho migratorio y extranjería Ed, Lex Nova núm. 1, pàg. 47 a 86.

- SAGARRA TRIAS, EDUARD. Modificación de la regulación de la nacionalidad española en el Código Civil (Ley 36/2002, de 8 de octubre BOE 9 de octubre de 2002, nº. 242). Revista Jurídica de Catalunya, núm. 2 2003, pàg. 63 a 82.

- SAGARRA TRIAS, EDUARD: Discriminación a los españoles hijos de emigrantes en el acceso a la nacionalidad española de origen. Revista .La Notaria del Iltre Col·legi Notaris de Catalunya núm. 2, any 2011, pàg. 90 a 103

- AA.VV.: Comentarios a los artículos 17 a 26 del Código Civil. En BERCOVITZ RODRIGUEZ, R. (Coord.): Comentarios a las reformas del Código Civil. Ed. Tecnos, Madrid, 1993.

B) Imigration and asylum

ABARCA JUNCO, ANA PALOMA; ALONSO OLEA GARCIA;LACRUZ J. Manuel y otros ;Inmigración y extranjería. Régimen jurídico básico 3a edició 2010 Ed Colex 2010

- ELISEO AJA Y LAURA DIEZ (coordinadores): La regulació de la immigració a Europa. Col.leció Estudis Socials núm. 17. Fundació la Caixa 2005.

- MARIÑO MENÉNDEZ, F.M. Y OTROS (EDUARD SAGARRA). ¿Derecho de Extranjería, Asilo y Refugio. Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales. Instituto Nacional de Servicios Sociales (INSERSO). Madrid 2004.

- MOYA ESCUDERO, M. (Coord.) Comentario sistemático a la Ley de Extranjería (Llei orgànica 4/2000 i Llei orgànica 8/2000. Ed. Comares, Granada 2001).

- PAPELES DE ECONOMIA ESPAÑOLA. Inmigración en España ¿Inmigración en la Unión Europea: normativa y políticas comunitarias, número 98/2003. Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros.

- SAGARRA TRIAS, EDUARD. La legislación sobre extranjería e inmigración: Una lectura - Los derechos fundamentales y libertades públicas de los extranjeros en España. Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona 2002.

- SAGARRA TRIAS, EDUARD. ¿Un nuevo status de extranjero en España (El inmigrante irregular, empadronado, residente trabajando y con orden de expulsión), Rev. De Derecho Migratorio y extranjería. Ed. Lex Nova, núm. 1, novembre 2002, pàg. 87 i s.

-SAGARRA TRIAS, EDUARD. :10 preguntes i respostes per aclarir conceptes. La situació de la immigració i l'estrangeria a Espanya i a Europa en el 2006 Col·lecció + Europa, publicat pel Consell Català del Moviment Europeu. Barcelona 2007.

- SAGARRA TRIAS, EDUARD. On the Regulation of Aliens and Immigration in Spain in 2006. Spanish Yearbook of international Law Volume, 2007, vol. XI pàg. 27 a 47

- SAGARRA TRIAS, EDUARD. Los derechos políticos de los extranjeros en España: Derecho de sufragio activo y pasivo en las elecciones municipales. Instituto de estudios Políticos, Madrid, Editorial Bosch, 2008

- Revista Derecho Migratorio y Extranjería: Editado por Lex Nova, que encontraran en la Biblioteca y de la que se han editado 30 números con artículos sobre el tema de sumo interés.

- AGUELO NAVARRO, P y CHUECA SANCHO, A: Los Derechos humanos de los extranjeros en la doctrina constitucional (comentario a la STC 236/2007 de 7 de noviembre de 2007 y posteriores) dossier muy completo. Revista de derecho migratorio y extranjería núm. 16, novembre 2007, pàg. 91 a 148.

C) European citizenship

- LIÑAN NOGUERAS, DIEGO J. "La Ciudadanía de la Unión Europea" in ·"El Derecho comunitario europeo y su aplicación Judicial". Collection of essays edited by Gil Carlos Rodríguez Iglesia and Diego J. Liñan Nogueras. Civitas. Madrid 1993.

- BLAZQUEZ PEINADO, Mª "La ciudadanía de la Unión: los derechos reconocidos en los artículos 8A a 8D del T.C.E." Editorial Tirant lo Blanch, 1998.

- SAGARRA TRIAS, EDUARD. España podra obligarse con el nuevo Tratado de Estabilidad ,coordinación y gobernanza en la Unión Europa y Monetaria de 2 marzo 2012 : Revista de Derecho Migratorio Lex Nova n. 30 2012 (at press)

D) Websites of interest

- Inmigración y extranjería (Real Colegio de Abogados de Zaragoza)
- Iltre. Col·legi d'Advocats de Barcelona:
- Ministeri de l'Interior: www.mir.extranjeros/htp
- Unió Europea.- Portal genérico:
- SOS Racisme:
- Institut Drets Humans Catalunya:
- Oficina d'estrangers de Barcelona:
- Ministeri de l'Interior:
- Ministeri d'Afers Exteriors d'Espanya:
- Ministeri de Justícia d'Espanya: www.
- /Associació de es Nacions Unides per a Espanya)
- :Sanidad y derecho de familia

E) Legislation collections:
Any of the many published collections may be used and consulted, but care should be taken to ensure tha the most recent edition is being used, which is normall published in September.

- "Legislación sobre nacionalidad". Ed. Tecnos, 4ª. Ultima edición.
-"Legislación sobre extranjeros". Ed. Civitas, 16(or the most recent, number 17 with the 2011 modifications)
-"Ley de extranjería y legislación complementaria".Ed Tecnos edición 2011.
- "Treaty on European Union". It should contain the 2009 Treaty of Lisbon.

(Always consult the most recent edition, and remember to check for updates via the Internet or Westlaw, as well as being constantly aware of changes made to Spanish legislation.)

Timetable and sections

Group Teacher Department
Eduard Sagarra Trias Derecho
