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CIM: Effective Presentations (18BBA90010)

General information






S semester

ECTS Credits:


Teaching Staff:

Group Teacher Department Language
Ed: 1 Matthew Cruickshank Owen English Section ENG

Group Teacher Department Language
Ed: 2 Matthew Cruickshank Owen English Section ENG


First and Second year students

Exempt English I

Workload distribution

Contact hours: 24
(These include input sessions, student participation and individual feedback and counselling)

Independent work: 26 hours
(this involves preparing presentations outside class time)


The acquisition of competent presentation skills is a necessary tool for all managers so with this course students will be given the opportunity to develop these competencies

Course Learning Objectives

To prepare and learn to produce effective presentations. This involves focusing on the following key presentation skills:

A. Origins of public speaking and its importance
B. Awareness of how planning influences effectiveness
C. Audience analysis.
D. Structure and organization
E. Main performative elements


1. Course Contents

1. Short and more extensive presentations
2. Self-study and discussion in class
3. In-class tasks and assignments set by teacher
4. Critical viewing of video recordings, films and live performances
5. Reading of related texts
6. Peer evaluation and discussion
7. Teacher-led discussion
8. Reflection journal


1. Short presentations and one extensive presentation
2. Self-study and discussion in class
3. In-class tasks and assignments set by teacher
4. Critical viewing of video recordings, films and live performances
5. Reading of related texts
6. Peer evaluation and discussion
7. Teacher-led discussion

Assessment criteria

Evaluation is carried out as follows:

50% Continuous assessment of all class activities taking into account the following criteria:

1. Adapting the language and content to the specific audience
2. Selecting relevant information according to the task and audience
3. Organising and presenting the information clearly and coherently
4. Following the conventions of the genre in terms of the content, awareness of body language and intonation conventions
5. Indication of improvement
6. Presentations Journal - written report on learnings and self reflection (1000 words approximately)

50% Final Assessed task (15 minute prepared business presentation)

Attendance: Given the characteristics of the course, there is a minimum requirement
attendance. Failure to meet this requirement automatically leads to a fail.


Relevant reading and viewing material will be recommended by the teacher during the course.

Timetable and sections

Group Teacher Department
Ed: 1 Matthew Cruickshank Owen English Section

Timetable Ed: 1

From 2019/2/6 to 2019/4/3:
Each Wednesday from 17:00 to 20:00. (Except: 2019/3/27)

Group Teacher Department
Ed: 2 Matthew Cruickshank Owen English Section

Timetable Ed: 2

From 2019/6/11 to 2019/6/21:
From Tuesday to Friday from 14:00 to 17:00.

Saturday 2019/7/6 from 10:30 to 13:00.