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Français 1 (18BBA90200)

General information






S semester

ECTS Credits:


Teaching Staff:

Group Teacher Department Language
Ed: 1 Yves Monboussin French Section FRA

Group Teacher Department Language
Ed: 10 Yves Monboussin French Section FRA

Group Teacher Department Language
Ed: 2 Yves Monboussin French Section FRA

Group Teacher Department Language
Ed: 3 Yves Monboussin French Section FRA

Group Teacher Department Language
Ed: 4 Yves Monboussin French Section FRA


None. Français 1 is a course for beginners with no prior knowledge.

Previous Knowledge

Knowledge of language-learning techniques and skills.

Workload distribution

Workload distribution:

Participatory sessions: 75 hours approximately
Independent study: 25 hours


In an increasingly globalised world, business is not only undertaken at a regional level or solely with neighbouring countries, but on a much wider scale.

As such, versatile and multilingual communication skills are necessary along with a broad and varied cultural training.

Globalisation also affects the job market, and there is ever greater competition. Consequently, ESADE graduates not only compete with other graduates from Spain but also from around the world (young people who are often multilingual and culturally sensitive due to numerous stays abroad).

At ESADE, students have the opportunity to achieve mastery over a third language, allowing them to:
- Complete their university education abroad (in a French-speaking country).
- Take advantage of job opportunities abroad.
- Have greater chance of success in job recruitment processes in French firms.

Français 1 is the first of 5 French language courses designed to achieve these ends.

Course Learning Objectives

Upon successfully completing this course, students will be able to understand frequently used phrases and expressions related to daily experiences which are especially relevant to them (basic information about themselves and their families, shopping, places of interest, jobs, etc.). Students will also be able to communicate to carry out simple, daily tasks which don't require any more exchanges than simple and direct information regarding topics which they are familiar with or are customary. They will also be able to describe simple elements of the past as well as topics related to their immediate needs.

Based on these global objectives, there are a series of specific objectives addressed throughout the course linked to developing various competencies:

A. Listening comprehension:
1) Understand conversations on day-to-day topics.
2) Understand information (global or specific) from audio texts addressing daily life situations (explanations, interviews, advertising, reports, etc.).
To achieve these goals, students have to develop the necessary skills to be able to capture the general meaning of an audio text and/or understand specific information.

B. Oral expression:
1) Ask for and provide information on day-to-day life and habitual situations, using standard expressions.
2) Participate in conversations on different topics students are familiar with and those related to their surroundings.
For this students have to learn basic compensation strategies (fill linguistic gaps) and develop communication strategies: indicate problems understanding the speaker, asking them to repeat, etc.

C. Reading comprehension:
1) Understand simple texts (letters, anecdotes, etc.).
2) Understand authentic texts from day-to-day life, e.g., press articles (understanding the general idea or specific details).
For this students have to develop the necessary skills to capture the general meaning of a text, locate specific information, identify how the information is structured to be able to take notes and make use of a text as a learning tool.

D. Written expression:
1) Write simple structured tests on topics they are familiar with (e.g., on activities, people, places, etc.).
2) Interact with others in writing: write simple letters or postcards, write notes, e-mails, ask for or provide information, etc.
For this students have to develop basic compensation strategies (fill linguistic gaps) as well as appropriate strategies for different communication goals.

To be able to meet all these objectives, students have to acquire the linguistic competencies corresponding this level:

Lexical: Master vocabulary related to habitual situations in daily life.
Grammatical: Correctly use basic grammatical structures.
Semantic: Organise meaning and structure ideas despite having few linguistic resources.
Phonological: Pronounce fairly clearly.
Spelling: Master basic spelling rules.


1. Starting point

Content: First contact with the language. French-speaking countries. Introduction to the French-speaking world. France in figures. Getting to know classmates better. Task: Quiz in teams about the unit.
Linguistic competencies:
Lexical: French-speaking countries. How to greet and introduce oneself.
Grammatical: Definite articles. Numbers 0 to 20. Subject pronouns. Basic questions. The verbs "s'appeler" and "être".
Phonetic: The alphabet and pronunciation. Accents in French. Every letter is pronounced.
Strategy: Finding the grammatical rule based on observation: the inductive method.

2. Initial contact

Motives to learn French. The use of the informal and formal voice. Ask for and provide personal information. Modern families in France. France: Images. Task: Complete a file on the class with data from classmates.
Linguistic competencies:
Lexical: Topics addressed during the course (sports, the business community, countries and nationalities, families, numbers.
Grammar: Verbs ending in "er", the use of "être" and "avoir". Insistence pronouns. Numbers up to 100. Negation. Interrogatives (1).
Phonetic: Nasal sounds. Difference between masculine and feminine. Homophones. Accents.
Strategies: Memorising vocabulary through classification.

3. Points in common: Introducing oneself and others

Content: Introducing someone. Asking questions. Talking about one's family, preferences and work. Task: Organise a holiday trip based on the character of each traveller. Group work.
Linguistic competencies:
Lexical: Professions. Nationalities. Family (1). Marital status. Personality.
Grammatical: Indefinite articles. Interrogatives (2). Adjectives. The verb "faire". "Il y a". Possessives.
Phonetic: Differentiating the singular and plural.
Strategy: Making context-based hypotheses to understand better.

4. Cultural life

Content: Cultural life: Art, music and the press. Prepare an interview, ask and answer questions (formally and informally). Search for information. Propose activities and talk about favourite leisure-time activities. The French-speaking world: Multilingualism. Task: Interview classmates.
Linguistic competencies:
Lexical: Culture, leisure and entertainment.
Grammatical: Verbs in the present tense. Reflexive verbs. The "partitif" article (1). Interrogatives (3). The 3 ways to ask questions.
Phonetic: Pronouncing verbs in the present tense.
Strategy: Reading without understanding all the words.

5. Travel and holidays

Talking about holidays. Location, moving around in a city. Writing a postcard. The weather. Expressing preferences. Task: Organise a group trip.
Linguistic competencies:
Lexical: Transportation, urban life, tourism, the seasons, months and the weather.
Grammatical: Indefinite pronoun "on". Present, third group, verbs "aller" and "vouloir". Prepositions with countries and place prepositions. "Il y a"/"il n'y a pas" (negating indefinite quantities).
Phonetic: Pronunciation of verbs in the present tense.
Strategy: Understanding a text only by understanding what matters to us.

6. Shopping and going out

Content: Going shopping in French. Shopping (asking the price, asking for something). Shopping habits in France. Time schedule and holidays in France. Inviting and accepting/rejecting an invitation. Task: Organise a theme party for friends.
Linguistic competencies:
Lexical: Shops. Numbers (3). Dates. Telling time. Clothing. Colours.
Grammatical: Impersonal obligation. Demonstrative adjectives. Prepositions: "chez", "à la" and "aux". Expression: "Avoir besoin de". Quantity ("beaucoup" and "très"). Organising a text ("d'abord", "puis"). Article "partitif" (2)." Être en train de" and "Venir de".
Phonetic: Differentiating [i] [y] and [u].
Strategy: Beware of false cognates.

7. Healthy living and food

Content: Daily life (activities). Advice. Suggesting and recommending (1). Daily rhythm, health. French and French-influenced cuisine. Task: Create a brochure on leading a healthy life.
Linguistic competencies:
Lexical: Day-to-day life. Food. The body. Sports.
Content: Academic and professional careers. Evaluating candidates' qualitities, aptitudes and competencies. The French educational system. Model of a French CV.
Task: Selecting candidates according to the job and the candidadets' competencies.
Linguistic competencies:
Lexical: Professions. Aptitudes.
Grammatical: The past (passé composé). Participles. Duration. Adverbs.
Phonetic: "La liasion" + auditive discrimination.
Strategy. Knowing how to justify and question.

8. The job market

Content: Academic and professional careers. Evaluating qualities, aptitudes and competencies. The French educational system. French CVs. Task: Selecting candidates according to the position and candidates' profiles.
Linguistic competencies:
Lexical: Professions. Aptitudes.
Grammatical: Past tense ("passé composé"). Participles. Expressing duration. Adverbs.
Phonetic: The "liason" + aural discrimination.
Strategy: Knowing to justify and question.


Participatory sessions:
-In-class sessions consist of small groups and require students to actively participate.
-Practice text comprehension exercises, including written, audio and/or audio-visual texts.
-Exercises to develop specific skills and assimilate grammatical structures and vocabulary (oral and written exercises).
-Simulation of communicative situations to resolve, exchange information with others, debate and complete written exercises whether individually or in groups.
-Faculty explanations on new structures or to clarify questions and doubts.
-Occasional use of the computer room for multimedia learning as well as to search Internet for information.

Independent study:
The course requires students to regularly work outside of class to favour their assimilation of the material:
-Students' prior preparation of new structures/topics.
-Exercises to foment students' assimilation of the material (paper/book, notebook and photocopies as well as CDs, CD-Roms and Internet).
-Phonetic exercises with CDs.
-Regular written expression tasks to be kept in a journal.
-Preparation of short presentations.
-Independent study and practice of vocabulary and grammatical structures.
-Preparing for tests and exams.

-Faculty will provide feedback throughout the course on students' progress.

Assessment criteria

Students' marks for this course take into account tests, oral and written assignments, class participation and exams. Students' marks will range from 0 to 10.

Assessment details:

Oral mark
Oral participation
Oral mid-term test
Oral comprehension test
Oral expression on final exam

Written mark
Written participation
Written expression on mid-term exam
Written expression on final exam

Oral participation assessment criteria
- % of classes attended
- Do students take advantage of opportunities in class to express themselves in the target language?
- Do students constantly attempt to improve or correct their oral expression and linguistic resources?
- Do students contribute to create a positive learning environment?
- Do students turn to their mother tongue only in limited circumstances to clarify any linguistic doubts, etc.?
- Student scores on oral comprehension tests

Written participation assessment criteria
- % of classes attended
- Student scores on grammatical and vocabulary tests
- Number of completed compositions
- Scores obtained on their compositions
- Number of corrected compositions
- Do students attempt to avoid repeating errors in their compositions?

Class attendance is obligatory. Students that do not participate in at least 75% of classes will not be able to sit the final exam and will be registered as "Absent". They will then have to re-sit the final exam. To pass this course, students must successfully pass both the written and oral parts. Students who do not pass one part will have to re-sit the final exam only on that part. A pass mark is only valid for one academic year (from September to August).


NOUVEAU ROND-POINT 1 - Livre de l'élève
(autores : J. Labascoule, C. Lause, C. Royer, C. Flumian) (ed. Maison des Langues - difusión)
NOUVEAU ROND-POINT 1 - Cahier d'exercices
(ed. Maison des Langues - difusión)

Additional material from communications media (reports, news programmes, written press)

Timetable and sections

Group Teacher Department
Ed: 1 Yves Monboussin French Section

Timetable Ed: 1

From 2018/9/4 to 2018/11/29:
Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 to 12:00. (Except: 2018/9/11, 2018/10/16, 2018/10/18, 2018/10/23 and 2018/11/1)

From 2019/1/8 to 2019/1/17:
Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 to 12:00.

Group Teacher Department
Ed: 10 Yves Monboussin French Section

Timetable Ed: 10

From 2019/6/3 to 2019/6/19:
From Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 15:00. (Except: 2019/6/10 and 2019/6/19)
Each Wednesday from 9:00 to 14:30. (Except: 2019/6/5 and 2019/6/12)

From 2019/6/20 to 2019/6/21:
From Thursday to Friday from 9:00 to 14:30.

Saturday 2019/7/13 from 10:30 to 13:00.

Group Teacher Department
Ed: 2 Yves Monboussin French Section

Timetable Ed: 2

From 2018/9/4 to 2018/11/29:
Tuesday and Thursday from 15:00 to 18:00. (Except: 2018/9/11, 2018/10/16, 2018/10/18, 2018/10/23 and 2018/11/1)

From 2019/1/8 to 2019/1/17:
Tuesday and Thursday from 15:00 to 18:00.

Group Teacher Department
Ed: 3 Yves Monboussin French Section

Timetable Ed: 3

From 2019/1/21 to 2019/4/8:
Monday and Wednesday from 10:00 to 13:00. (Except: 2019/3/11, 2019/3/13, 2019/3/20, 2019/3/27 and 2019/4/3)

From 2019/3/20 to 2019/4/24:
Each Wednesday from 10:00 to 13:00. (Except: 2019/4/17)

From 2019/4/29 to 2019/5/6:
Each Monday from 10:00 to 13:00.

Group Teacher Department
Ed: 4 Yves Monboussin French Section

Timetable Ed: 4

From 2019/1/21 to 2019/4/24:
Monday and Wednesday from 15:00 to 18:00. (Except: 2019/3/18, 2019/3/20, 2019/4/15, 2019/4/17 and 2019/4/22)

From 2019/4/29 to 2019/5/6:
Each Monday from 15:00 to 18:00.