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Leading in a Global Context (USA) (EDA99114)

General information






S semester

ECTS Credits:


Teaching Staff:

Group Teacher Department Language
Ed: 1 Carlos Royo Morón Dirección de Personas y Organización ESP

Group Teacher Department Language
Ed: 2 Carlos Royo Morón Dirección de Personas y Organización ESP
Ed: 2 Ramon García Gay Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences ESP
Ed: 2 Esteban Mogas Sibina Dirección General y Estrategia ESP
Ed: 2 Michele Quintano Marketing ESP

Course Learning Objectives

LEADERSHIP: Managing the Multinational Firm:
Building relationships with diverse stakeholders is fundamental to effective leadership in multinational firms. Over one's career, many issues will arise that may be more or less predictable depending on the uncertainties that are inherent in the location as well as changes in the external environment. Therefore, it is critical to have flexible and ongoing engagement processes that accommodate the diversity within the local setting and contribute to trust and
mutual respect. Inherent in this idea is consideration of the social, political, economic, and cultural relationships fundamental to the organization of society. Long-term sustainable business practice requires looking at the broader picture of the cultures, while constantly thinking critically about the nuances of the stakeholder relationships that shape these cultures.

Analyzing Multilateral Institutions:
Students will learn several multilateral institutions - including, the Internationañ Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the United Nations, the G20, and regional institutions, including the BRICS, the Asian DEvelopment Bank, the Asian Infrastructure investment Bank, and the European Unión. We will conclude the course with a fun discussion of the Olympic Games.

Business-Government Relations: The American Experience:
The purpose of the course is to give students an understanding of how and why governments and businesses interact, especially on international commerce and trade. The course will examine how the structures, environments, interests, agendas and constituencies of businesses and governments shape their relationships and drive outcomes.


3. Taking decisions / making judgements (CB8)
13. Comprehension of the complexity of the local and global contexts (C8)
6. Strategic thinking, systemic thinking (C7)
11. Teamwork and collaboration (C23)


1. LEADERSHIP: Managing the Multinational Firm

2. Analyzing Multilateral Institutions

Session 1: Global Cooperation and Change: Rise of the G20
Session 2: The Political Economy of the UN Security Council: Money and Influence
Session 3: How do we build global cooperation? SA tale of two human rights treaties
Session 4: Which country is the best? Who wins the Olympics?

3. Business-Government Relations: The American Experience

Session I: Trade Policy Strategy and Trade Politics in the United States
Session II: Negotiating and Implementing TPP and TTIP -The public-private nature of modern rade negotiations.




Description %
Attendance and active participation 40
Group assignment 40
Individual assignment 20

Assessment criteria

40% Attendance and active participation
40% Group assignment (to be detailed during the residency)
20% Individual assignment


- Business-Government Relations: The American Experience:
- Robert A. Rogowsky, "The U.S. Trade Policy Decision Structure: A Primer, Working Paper, 2015.
- Robert A. Rogowsky, "Investor-State Dispute Settlement in TPP and TTIP: An Opportunity for Progress, Working Paper, 2015.
- Alan Wolff, "The State and Its Enterprises: Competition from State-Owned Enterprises And the Role of International Trade Agreements, NFTC, June 2014

Timetable and sections

Group Teacher Department
Ed: 1 Carlos Royo Morón Dirección de Personas y Organización

Timetable Ed: 1

From 2018/11/13 to 2018/11/16:
From Tuesday to Friday from 15:30 to 20:30.
From Tuesday to Friday from 8:30 to 13:30.

Group Teacher Department
Ed: 2 Carlos Royo Morón Dirección de Personas y Organización
Ed: 2 Ramon García Gay Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences
Ed: 2 Esteban Mogas Sibina Dirección General y Estrategia
Ed: 2 Michele Quintano Marketing

Timetable Ed: 2