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Private International Law (GED70427)

General information






S semester

ECTS Credits:


Teaching Staff:

Group Teacher Department Language
Beatriz Añoveros Terradas Derecho ENG

Group Teacher Department Language
Sec: A Beatriz Añoveros Terradas Derecho ESP

Group Teacher Department Language
Sec: B Beatriz Añoveros Terradas Derecho ESP

Workload distribution

Classroom-based activities: 28 hours, 40% of total credits
Guided activities: 56 hours, 30% of credits
Independent study: 36 hours, 30% of credits


In 1999 the Treaty of Amsterdam entered into force and the European Community was empowered to take measures in the field of private international law. Article 67(4) TFEU provides that the Union shall facilitate access to justice, in particular through the principle of mutual recognition of judicial and extrajudicial decisions in civil matters. Article 81 TFEU deals with judicial co-operation in civil matters, and currently provides the legal basis for private international law matters (both patrimonial and family matters). Private cross border relationships have increased significantly within the European Union. These include consumers that buy goods or obtain services from companies in other Member States; companies that transact cross-border business; infringements of personality rights or other types of tortious conduct resulting in damage involving cross-border elements; marriage and divorce between nationals or residents from different Member States; and related questions on parental responsibility, maintenance, and matrimonial property. European private international law teaches us to focus on how these private situations, which introduce a foreign element (both European and from a third State), should be dealt with legally and how to resolve the issues that they raise and which are: jurisdiction, applicable law and recognition and enforcement. The solutions or replies should be based not only in the traditional private international law methods but also taking into consideration European integration.

Course Learning Objectives

European Private international law aims to introduce students to the described contemporary European reality and to be able to understand the aspects and implications that the current legal division of the world entails for private legal relations. This means that students should be able to understand EPIL issues, posed by certain private legal relations (patrimonial and family), and to resolve simple problems of private international law.
Specific learning objectives for students are:
- Knowing how to identify, distinguish and describe the areas covered by European Private International law.
- Understanding the logic of EPIL and applying it to specific situations.
- Knowing how to identify and distinguish the different regulatory levels: national, European and International. Knowing how to interrelate the different levels and determine their application to specific situations.
- Understanding the European rules of jurisdiction in all fields focusing on the following: Brussels I Regulation Recast, No. 1215/2012 (jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement), and the ancillary Regulations on a European Enforcement Order, No. 805/2004; Brussels IIbis Regulation, No. 2201/2003 (jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement divorce and parental responsibility. Understanding and identifying how this jurisdiction fits in with foreign authorities in certain areas: contracts, consumption, non-contractual obligations, divorce, parental responsibility, etc.
- Identifying and understanding the different types of rules and legislative techniques used to determine the law applicable to contractual, consumption, non-contractual, divorce and legal separation and parental responsibilities. Knowing the following: Rome I Regulation, No. 593/2008 (applicable law contractual obligations); Rome II Regulation, No. 864/2007 (applicable law non-contractual obligations). In the area of family law, these are: Rome III Regulation, No. 1259/2010 (applicable law divorce; enhanced cooperation); Regulation 2016/1103 (jurisdiction, applicable law and recognition and enforcement on Matrimonial Property Regimes Regulation) and Regulation 2016/1104 (jurisdiction, applicable law and recognition and enforcement on property consequences of registered partnerships).
- Knowing the relationship between the regulations on jurisdiction and applicable law.
- Understanding the European Court of Justice rulings, interpreting the above mentioned regulations and their impact on the national judges.


9. Autonomy, independence, initiative, pro-activeness
5. Ability for continuous learning Ability to learn continually



1. Introduction:

What is Private international law? Understanding different terminology. Legal pluralism and legal diversity. The existence of cross-border private relationships. Three main areas: jurisdiction, applicable law and recognition and enforcement. Cooperation of legal authorities. The different dimensions: national, European, international.

2. European Private international law
The empowerment of the European Union in matters related to private international law. From the Treaty of Rome to date. The European Judicial Area. Cooperation in Civil Matters. Legal basis: art. 81 TFUE. Different measures.


3. Jurisdiction:
General questions. What is jurisdiction? Brussels I Regulation recast (Council Regulation No. 1215/2012 the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters). Interpretation. Scope of application. Relationship with other conventions.

4. Heads of Jurisdiction
Exclusive jurisdiction. Party autonomy: Choice of forum agreements. Entering an appearance. Jurisdiction over business to business contracts. Special jurisdiction in matters relating to a contract. Jurisdiction over co-defendants - provisional measures. Consumer contracts. Jurisdiction in matters relating to tort. Matters relating to tort, delict and quasi-delict.

5. The Verification of jurisdiction - Lis alibi pendens and related actions.
The Verification of jurisdiction - Lis alibi pendens between two Member states. Lis abili pendens between a Member State and a third state. Related actions. The forum non conveniens and Brussels I Regulation recast. Interim measures

6. The recognition and enforcement of foreign State court judgements
Principles. Recognition and enforcement. Different Theories. Giving effect to a judgement. Res iudicata. The various schemes of the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. The principle of mutual recognition. Recognition and enforcement under Brussels I Recast. Recognition and enforcement under the Lugano Convention.


7. General ideas. Introduction to choice of law
Why apply foreign law? Traditional choice of law theories. The choice of law rule. Its structure and function. The connecting factor. Lois de police.

8. Methodological problems and escape devices
Characterization. Renvoir. Public policy. References to non-unified legal systems. Evidence of foreign law.


9. Contracts
Rome I Regulation (Regulation (EC) No. 593/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 on the law applicable to contractual obligations)

10. Torts
Rome II Regulation (Regulation (EC) No. 864/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 July 2007 on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations)


11. Marriage and matrimonial crises
Jurisdiction and applicable Law. Regulation 2016/1103 (jurisdiction, applicable law and recognition and enforcement on Matrimonial Property Regimes Regulation) and Regulation 2016/1104 (jurisdiction, applicable law and recognition and enforcement on property consequences of registered partnerships) Brussels IIbis Regulation, No. 2201/2003 (jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement divorce and parental responsibility). Rome III Regulation, No. 1259/2010 (applicable law divorce; enhanced cooperation).

12. Parental responsibility.
Jurisdiction and applicable law. Brussels II bis Regulation. The Hague Convention 1996 for the protection of children.


Teaching-learning methodology:
Each thematic section will be taught using lecture classes, participatory classes and complementary self-evaluated exercises, as well as the completion of case studies done outside of class hours.

These activities will be undertaken in small groups under the guidance of an assigned faculty member. The latter will also announce the set assignments on the course webpage and whether or not they have to be completed in class or outside of class hours.

Learning modalities:
1. Lecture classes in which the course content will be explained.
2. Practical classroom activities in which assignments will be completed in conjunction with discussions on the arguments explaining the solutions.



Description %
Assignments and class activities 15
Mid term exam 25
Final written exam 60

Assessment criteria

The assessment of students' knowledge will be undertaken using ongoing assessment activities and the exams as specified. The ongoing assessment component requires student attendance and participation in the both the lecture and participatory classes. Their understanding and mastery of general concepts will be assessed in addition to their acquisition of the course's specific competences. The mid-term exam and one of the parts of the final written exam will be a multiple choice test that will be done through the LMS (learning management system). A computer will be required to do the multiple choice test.

Students will have to undertake practical activities and complete set assignments on a regular basis in accordance with the faculty's guidelines.

Students who do not:
1. Pass this course in the FIRST-SITTING due to not attending class, not completing the assignments specified or copying these will not be able to RE-SIT THE FINAL and will thus have to re-take the course, duly completing the activities specified by faculty.
2. Have the level of required competencies may move on to the next year so long as they pass this course but they will not be able to complete the final degree project until they achieve the level of competencies required for the programme.



Geert van Calster, European Private International Law, 2nd ed., 2016.

Bodgan, M., Concise Introduction to EU Private International Law


Briggs, Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments, 6th ed., 2015

Briggs, Agreements on Jurisdiction and Choice of Law, 2008

Dickinson & Lein (eds), The Brussels I Regulation Recast, 2015

Magnus/Mankowski, Brussels Ibis Regulation, 2016.

Magnus/Mankowski, Brussels IIbis Regulation, 2012.

Applicable law

McParland, The Rome I Regulation, 2015

Ferrari, Rome I Regulation, 2009.

Huber, Rome II Regulation 2011

Magnus/Mankowski, Rome I, 2016.

Magnus/Mankowski, Rome II, 2015.

Further readings will be publish in the course website

Online resources

Boletín Oficial del Estado (Official State gazette):

International Chambre of Commerce (ICC):

International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes:

Commission on European Contract Law:

International Commission on Civil Status (ICCS):

Hague Conference on Private International Law:

Conferencia Interamericana especializada en Derecho internacional privado (CIDIP, Interamerican specialised conference in international private law):

Council of Europe:

Consejo General del Poder Judicial, General Council for Judicial Authority:

European Group for Private International Law (GEDIP):

International Law Institute:


Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation:

Ministry of Justice:

Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs:

United Nations:

World Trade Organisation (WTO):

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO):

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (ONUDI):

Constitutional Court:

European Court of Human Rights:

Court of Justice of the European Union:

United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL):

International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT):

European Union:

Timetable and sections

Group Teacher Department
Beatriz Añoveros Terradas Derecho


Group Teacher Department
Sec: A Beatriz Añoveros Terradas Derecho

Timetable Sec: A

Thursday 2018/9/6 from 9:00 to 12:00.

From 2019/2/4 to 2019/4/29:
Monday and Wednesday from 16:45 to 19:15. (Except: 2019/4/15, 2019/4/17 and 2019/4/22)

Group Teacher Department
Sec: B Beatriz Añoveros Terradas Derecho

Timetable Sec: B

From 2019/2/4 to 2019/4/29:
Monday and Wednesday from 16:45 to 19:15. (Except: 2019/4/15, 2019/4/17 and 2019/4/22)