Contactar Esade

Deutsch II (GED90201)

General information






S semester

ECTS Credits:


Teaching Staff:

Group Teacher Department Language
Ed: 1 Kirsten Wernicke Lindhardt German Section DEU

Group Teacher Department Language
Ed: 11 Kirsten Wernicke Lindhardt German Section DEU

Group Teacher Department Language


Have passed the Deutsch 1 course or have demonstrated the relevant knowledge in the course level test (validity: 12 months)

Previous Knowledge

Language-learning techniques and skills.
Knowledge of English will facilitate students' learning of German.

Workload distribution


In an increasingly globalised world, legislation is not only undertaken at a regional level or solely with neighbouring countries, but on a much wider scale. As such, versatile and multilingual communication skills are necessary along with a broad and varied cultural training.

Globalisation also affects the job market, there is ever greater competition, and ESADE graduates not only compete with others from Spain but those from around the world, students who, in many cases, are multilingual and are culturally sensitive due to numerous stays abroad. For this, acquiring a second foreign language is fundamental for students today.

Course Learning Objectives

Upon successfully completing this course the participants will be capable of understanding commonly used phrases and expressions in their areas of experience or which are particularly relevant for them. They will know how to communicate when it comes to undertaking not very complicated day-to-day tasks and exchanging information on well known or commonly encountered issues. They will know how to describe a series of aspects of their environment as well as issues related to their immediate needs. Therefore, participants should develop learning techniques and communication strategies.

Based on these global aims, we will address a series of specific aims throughout the course linked to a number of competences related to the four basic language skills:

- Oral comprehension
- Oral expression
- Reading comprehension
- Written expression


1. Lexical/pragmatic content and topics

- Ways to spend the holidays.
- Invitations and gifts.
- Organising a party.
- Personal dreams and reality.
- A biography.
- Professional training in Germany and Switzerland.
- The German educational system and comparison with the Spanish model.
- Universities.
- Day-to-day student life.
- Flats.
- The city and neighbourhoods.
- Freiburg: a bilingual city.
- Mother tongues and foreign languages.
- Bilingualism

2. Grammatical content

- Verbs: present perfect (review); the verb werden (present and past); the imperfect of haben, sein, es gibt and modal verbs; reflexive and reciprocal verbs; verbs that take the dative; verbs with two objects (dative and accusative).
- Nouns/pronouns/determiners: reflexive pronouns in the accusative; personal pronouns in the dative and accusative; relative pronouns in the nominative; ordinal numbers.
- Adjectives: comparative and superlative (predicative function)
- Prepositions: prepositions with the dative: aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu; prepositions with the accusative: durch, für, ohne, um; wechselpräpositionen: in, an, au.
- Syntax: the main clause (review); reversal.
- Adverbs: Trotzdem/Deshalb/Außerdem / Zuerst/ Dann/ Danach/ Später/ Anschließend/ Zum Schluss.
- Subordinate clauses with: dass, weil, als, wenn; relative clauses.

3. Phonetical content

- Prosody, intonation: accents in German sentences.
- Wortakzent - consonant clusters: [ltr], [tst], [çtsv], [tsl].
- Consonants: [f] and [v].
- Neutral syllable: (-er, e).
- The vowel and atonic.
- The consonant: ng.


Assessment criteria

The assessment of students' performance takes into account how well they have achieved the learning objectives. Marks range from 0 to 10.

Students' marks will consist of an oral component (50%) and a written component (50%). Students have to successfully pass both to pass the class.

The oral component consists of oral comprehension, oral participation in class and the final oral exam. The written component comprises written expression, written participation, the mid-term exam and the final written exam.

Attendance is compulsory. Students who do not attend a minimum of 75% of classes will not be able to sit the final exam. They will be registered as "Absent" and will thus have to re-sit the final exam.


Short bibliography:
The Department's own material

Obligatory complementary material:
B. Braucek, A.Castell, Gramática básica del alemán con ejercicios A1-B1, ed. Idiomas, Hueber
Course website

Timetable and sections

Group Teacher Department
Ed: 1 Kirsten Wernicke Lindhardt German Section

Timetable Ed: 1

From 2018/9/5 to 2018/11/21:
Monday and Wednesday from 15:30 to 18:30. (Except: 2018/9/24)

From 2019/1/9 to 2019/1/16:
Monday and Wednesday from 15:30 to 18:30.

Group Teacher Department
Ed: 11 Kirsten Wernicke Lindhardt German Section

Timetable Ed: 11

Tuesday 2018/12/25 from 8:00 to 8:1.

Group Teacher Department

Timetable Ed: 2

From 2019/1/22 to 2019/5/2:
Tuesday and Thursday from 15:30 to 18:30. (Except: 2019/4/16 and 2019/4/18)