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Qui es fa càrrec de la meva vida? (Sobre)viure a ESADE entre l'urgent i l'important (19BBA00823)

General information






S semester

ECTS Credits:


Teaching Staff:

Group Teacher Department Language
Josep M Lozano Soler Ciencias Sociales CAT


A willingness to dialogue with classmates and to reflect on students' own experiences as people and as students. This course is based on day-to-day life at ESADE, but it does not focus on how to improve students' study habits and how they organise themselves. The aim is to further the personal impact of the experience of being an ESADE student and the life rhythm this represents for each and every course participant. As a student in a previous year indicated, this course doesn¿t address the student but, rather, the person every student is.

Previous Knowledge

Be enrolled at ESADE


- When we ask someone to assume responsibility for things that are happening to us, we generally want them to understand us.
- When someone says that they are going to be in charge of something, they¿re telling us that they assume responsibility, to leave it in their hands.
- At times, life at ESADE is a series of work and assignments under pressure. More than living, it seems like a question of surviving, always in a hurry to meet the next urgent deadline.
-These sessions are an invitation for students to share and reflect on day-to-day life at ESADE and on where they¿re going and where they want to go even if, they have to admit, they don¿t always have a clear idea. The aim is for students to understand this better and assume more responsibility and take charge. This is valuable for all the participants, including faculty.

Course Learning Objectives

Acquiring knowledge and developing skills and competencies are extremely important, but so are the people that are actually doing the learning. At times, we forget that people are more than just the sum of their knowledge, skills and competencies. The aim of these sessions is to thus connect what students have learnt at ESADE with the students themselves as people. When they study, they take notes, complete assignments, etc., but they don¿t just ¿do¿ these activities. They are accompanied by experiences and feelings: fear, anxiety, joy, expectancy, frustration, etc. These affect students as much as the knowledge acquired. They can also experience all types of feelings: jealousy, rage, sadness, company, generosity, simplicity, humour. We will talk about all of these as well because they are a part of everyone¿s learning process as people. Having a more in-depth knowledge of ourselves and all our facets can help us to improve as people and professionals. In addition, maintaining respectful dialogues and being receptive help us to understand others and ourselves better. In the end, as an Aspen Institute report on future leadership indicated, the executives of the future will be those who know their work and themselves well. However, students will not be staring at themselves in the mirror or carrying out self-diagnoses. Rather, they will progressively and more fully take charge of their own lives, including their lives as students.

The only requirement for this class is for students to be willing to explore everything implied by studying at ESADE (both positive and negative) a bit further, in addition to being willing to compare and contrast this with others but always based on mutual respect and without trying to convince others.

Assessment criteria

Participation in discussions and completing the proposed exercises
Class participation: 30%
Final project: 30%
Personal reflection exercises: 40%


Short bibliography:
Kabat-Zin, J. (2012): Mindfulness en la vida cotidiana. Donde quiera que vayas, ahí estás. Barcelona: Paidós.
Martín, A. (2015): Plenamente. Barcelona: Planeta.
Pink, D. (2011): Drive. The surprinsing tryth about what motivates us. Edinburgh: Canongate.
Rilke, R. M. (2004): Cartas a un joven poeta. Madrid: Alianza
Sinek, S. (2013): La clau és el perquè. Barcelona: Dèria.

Timetable and sections

Group Teacher Department
Josep M Lozano Soler Ciencias Sociales
