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Language I (Español) (19BBE90003)

General information






S semester

ECTS Credits:


Teaching Staff:

Group Teacher Department Language
Ed: 11 Delia Castro Carrillo Sección Español ESP

Group Teacher Department Language
Sec: D Delia Castro Carrillo Sección Español ESP

Group Teacher Department Language
Sec: D Delia Castro Carrillo Sección Español ESP

Group Teacher Department Language
Sec: D Delia Castro Carrillo Sección Español ESP

Group Teacher Department Language
Sec: E Delia Castro Carrillo Sección Español ESP

Group Teacher Department Language
Sec: E Delia Castro Carrillo Sección Español ESP

Group Teacher Department Language
Sec: E Delia Castro Carrillo Sección Español ESP


There are no prerequisites to take this course. the Modern Language I Español course is for beginners with no prior knowledge of the language.

Previous Knowledge

No prior knowledge is necessary.

Workload distribution

The workload distribution is as follows:

Classroom sessions: 70 hours
Independent study: 23.5 hours


In an increasingly globalised world, business is not only undertaken at a regional level or with a neighbouring country, but on a far wider scale. As such, versatile and multilingual communication skills are necessary along with a broad and varied cultural background.

Globalisation also affects the job market, there is ever greater competition, and, in the case of the students that come to ESADE, the need to master a third language such as Spanish is evident as it provides access to job markets in places such as Latin America.

On the other hand, acquiring a third language also allows students to undertake their university studies in a foreign country (such as Spain or Latin America).

With regard to the job market, having a foreign language such as Spanish allows students to face recruitment processes in Spanish-speaking companies and thus be able to find work in any part of the world.

Course Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, students are expected to be able to:

- Understand and use commonly used expressions in day-to-day situations as well as simple phrases intended to meet basic needs.
- Introduce themselves and others, ask for and give basic information about their home, their belongings and people they know.
- Interact in a basic manner so long as the person they are speaking to speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to cooperate.
- Understand and produce oral and written texts on basic needs and known and habitual issues.
- Communicate in order to undertake simple, daily tasks that only require simple and basic exchanges of information on issues that are frequently encountered and known to them.
- Describe aspects of their past and environment as well as questions related to their immediate needs in simple terms.

Based on the above general objectives, this course will focuse on the following specific objectives:

- Be able to communicate in day-to-day situations.
- Talk about oneself and others: describe, express physical state and state of mind
- Ask for and give basic personal information: name, nationality, profession, residence, belongings, people they know.
- Describe places: office, home, neighbourhood, objects used every day.
- Make reservations (restaurants, tickets, hotel rooms).
- Maintain basic telephone conversations
- Present the following using simple language and markers, connectors and vocabulary and expressions appropriate for their level: their countries, cities, neighbourhoods, companies, work, customs, traditions and people.
- Signal what they want to refer to linguistically and gesturally, pointing the object out with their finger and for eample, "quiero esto, por favor?.


- Describe their families, living conditions, studies and current job or last one.
- Describe people, places and belongings in simple terms.
- Provide brief and basic descriptions of events and activities.
- Describe plans and appointments, customs, habitual actions, past actions and personal experiences.
- Use simple and descriptive language for brief descriptions of objects and belongings and to make comparisons.
- Explain what they like and don¿t like about something.
- Give brief, rehearsed presentations on topics from their day-to-day lives.
- Provide brief explanations.
- Respond to a limited number of questions with limited and simple responses.
- Comfortably participate in conversations in structured situations and brief interactions so long as the other helps if necessary.
- Greet people using simple, day-to-day courteous expressions: greetings and saying goodbye, introducing oneself, thanking, apologising and responding to apologies.
- Invite and make suggestions and respond to invitations and suggestions.
- Express how they feel in simple terms.
- Identify the topic of conversation around them if the others speak slowly and clearly.
- Obtain simple information about transportation: ask for and give directions to a place and buy tickets.
- Provide and get information about quantities, number, prices, etc.
- Know how to clarify what they need through gestures or paraphrasing if they lack the appropriate words.

- Understand frequently used phrases and expressions related to areas that are important to them so long as the discourse is clearly and slowly articulated: a) basic information about themselves; b) families; c) shopping; d) places of interest; e) work and professions.
- Capture the main ideas of warnings and brief and clear messages.
- Identify the topic of conversation between native speakers so long as the discussion is slow and clear.
- Understand simple instructions related how to get from one place to another either on foot or by means of public transport.
- Understand and extract key information from recorded texts on day-to-day and predictable situations so long as the text is clear and slow.

- Fill in forms with their personal data.
- Write short notes, postcards and simple texts.
- Write about day-to-day aspects of their environment, using simple connectors such as "y¿, "pero¿ and "porque¿. For example, texts about people, places, a university experience, work or leisure activity.
- Briefly describe past and personal experiences in very basic terms.
- Write simple e-mail messages.
- Write brief and simple biographies.

- Understand brief and simple texts on daily matters if they use common language and include shared international vocabulary or are related to work.
- Understand short and simple personal letters, e-mails and common faxes (forms, orders, confirmation letters, etc.) related to day-to-day matters.
- Find specific and predictable information in simple daily texts such as ads, information pamphlets, restaurant menus, listings and timetables.
- Understand simple instructions about frequently used devices such as a public telephone, for example.
- Know how to infer the probable meaning of unknown words from the context.

- Use the appropriate registers in different communication scenarios.
- Controlling contact (¿eh?, ¿no?, ¡oye!, ¡mira!, etc.).
- Customary intonation.
- Be familiar with expressions of courtesy: greeting, apologising, making excuses, indicating they are following a conversation, interrupting, etc.
- Recognise the meaning of some Spanish gestures (e.g., to express ¿come here¿ and ¿wait¿).



Greetings and farewells. Useful expressions to control communication. Establish communication and give reactions. Introduce oneself and others. Ask for confirmation. Identify and describe: People (physical features and character), places, objects, nationality. Find objects, places and people in the physical environment. Express and ask for opinions. Express and ask for tastes and preferences. Express and ask how someone feels. Express physical state. Express knowledge or ignorance of something. Express and ask about how to do something. Express complete agreement and disagreement: "yo también"/"yo tampoco". Ask for and deny permission: "¿puedo...?". Make requests: "¿tienes...?"/"¿puedes... ?"/"¿me das... ?"/"¿me dejas...?". Apologise and respond to an apology. Express gratitude and respond to an expression of gratitude. Express needs and obligations. Speak about habitual actions in the present. Speak about plans and intentions. Express possession. Express assessment: "es un poco grande"/"son muy bonitos".Ask for and give directions. Talk about habitual actions in the present (review). Propose and suggest. Make and appointment and change it. Offer and invite. Accept and reject. Advise ("tienes que"/"hay que"). Exspress best wishes. Congratule. Respond to good wishes and congratulations. Request a product or service: "quería/quiero una barra de pan/una cerveza".


Verbs. Morphology and the use of the Present indicative: the verb "llamarse" and reflexive verbs, the verbs "ser", "estar", "tener". The three conjugations: regular verbs and the most frequent irregular ones. Contrast between "hay"/"está"/"están", "gustar", "saber/poder", "tener que" + infinitive, "necesitar" + infinitive, "querer" + infinitive, "poder" + infinitive. Verbal periphrasis: "Estar" + gerund. Periphrastic future: "Ir + a" + infinitive. Nouns: gender and number, proper and common nouns. Articles: definite and indefinite. Qualifying Adjectives: adjectives indicating nationality or ethnic group, gender and number, adjective word order. Adjectives Possessive adjectives: gender and number; placement. Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns: gender and number, adjective word order, form for the neuter singular ("esto", "eso", "aquello"). Numbers: cardinal and ordinal. Personal subject pronouns: form, "tú"/"usted". Interrogative pronouns: "qué", "cuál-es", "dónde", "cuánto", "cómo", "quién-es", "por qué". Exclamatory phrases: "¡Qué bien!". Reflexive pronouns: "me", "te", "se", "nos", "os", "se". Adverbs of place: "aquí", "ahí", "allí", "(muy) lejos/cerca", "abajo", "arriba", "dentro"/"fuera"/"debajo"/"encima"/"delante"/"detrás"/"lejos"/"cerca (de)". Time adverbs: "ahora", "hoy", "mañana", "primero", "luego", "después", "antes/después (de)". Adverbs of quantity: "poco", "mucho", "bastante". Adverbs of manner: "bien", "mal". Adverbs of frequency: "siempre", "nunca", "normalmente", "generalmente". Adverbs for affirmation and negation: "sí", "no", "también", "tampoco". Word order for simple phrases: subject/verb agreement, (affirmative and negative) statements. Direct questions. Exclamations. Prepositions: a, con, de, en, entre, para and por (basic uses). Review of de present indicative: contrast between hay/está/están, gustar, encantar, molestar, interesar, doler, costar, quedar/quedarse, saber/poder, saber/conocer. Review of verb periphrases: Estar + gerund, Acabar de + infinitive; Future periphrases: Ir + a + infinitive. Morphology and use of the present perfect: Haber + regular/irregular participles; time markers: hoy, esta mañana, ya/ todavía no, nunca, alguna vez, siempre. Morphology and use of the past simple: regular and irregular verbs; time markers: ayer, anteayer, la semana pasada, el mes pasado, hace (dos, tres) (días, meses), dates (el 2 de agosto/en 2002). Review of possessives: gender and number; placement; neutral singular (esto, eso, aquello). Comparatives and superlatives: más ....que ; menos.... que; tan/tanto.... como; igual que; el/la/los/las más/menos... que; -ísimo/a/os/as. Indefinite pronouns: algo, alguien, nada, nadie. 3rd person direct object pronouns: lo, la, los, las; placement; presence or absence. Uses of "se": reflexive or impersonal. Review of adverbs: place, time, quantity, result, frequency, affirmation/negation. Structure of compound phrases: copulative, disjunctive, adversative, causal, temporal, final. Review and further study of prepositions: a, con, de, en, entre, para, por, sin, desde/hasta/ de/a, hacia, sobre.


Personal identification. Classroom objects. Classroom language. Work and professions. Countries, nationalities and languages. The neighbourhood and city. Physical states. Emotional states. Character and personality. Physical traits. Parts of the body. Adjectives to describe people and objects. Marital status. Tastes and preferences. Bars and restaurants. Sports. House and home. Clothes. The family. The market and supermarket. Numbers. Weights and measures. Time. Planning ahead. Times of the day, days of the week, months. Colours. Transportation. Antonyms. More adjectives to describe people. Adjectives to describe object materials and shapes. At the hotel, office, bank. More work on cities and neighbourhoods. Shopping, stores and establishments. Codified structures to talk on the phone. The weather, seasons, climate. Health. Spain: system of government, Autonomous Communities and languages. Synonyms and antonyms.


Greetings and introductions: "Tú" and "Usted". Times of day for different greetings. Different forms of greeting: kissing, shaking hands, etc. Thanking, accepting, apologising, turning down, congratulating, expressing condolences, offering a toast, inviting. Timetables: meals, shops, work, etc. Punctuality. Clothing: what is appropriate and what is not. Accepted forms of behaviour: In class, at the table. Spain (Autonomous Communities, provinces, languages, etc.). Linguistic markers for social relationships: Use and choice of greeting: on arrival: "hola", "buenos días", etc., "encantado/a", farewells. Forms of address: "tú/usted", "vosotros/ustedes"; "señor", "señora", by name, "cariño", etc.
Appropriate use of "por favor" and "gracias".




Assessment criteria

Students' marks will take into consideration the objectives established at the outset. The mark awarded at the end of the course will range from 0-10.

The assessment criteria will be the following:

Ongoing assessment (50%: mid-term test, 20%; class participation (oral and written), 30%) + Final exam mark (50%) = FINAL GRADE

Oral participation component criteria:
-Percent of classes attended
- Does the student take advantage of all the opportunities in class to communicate in the target language?
- Does the student continuously attempt to improve and correct their expression and linguistic resources?
- Does the student help to create a positive learning environment?
- Does the student turn to his/her mother tongue only in limited circumstances or to clarify doubts?
- Oral comprehension tests.

Written participation component criteria:
- Percent of classes attended
- Marks on grammar and vocabulary tests
- Number of essays turned in and self-corrected
- Does the student attempt to avoid repeating the same mistakes in his/her essays?

To pass this course, students have to pass both the oral and written components. If students do not pass one of the components, they will have to re-sit the final only on that component.

Class participation will assess the oral and written assignments completed by students in class and outside of class.

The final mark for the course will range from 0 to 10. Students who do not sit the final or do not earn a minimum of 5 will not be able to pass this course and will have to re-sit the final exam.

Class attendance is compulsory. Students have to attend a minimum of 75% of classes. Students that do not meet this requirement will not be able to sit the final exam and will be marked as "absent from the exam". They will then have to take the re-sit exam.


Editorial Difusión: Aula 1 y Aula 2.
Editorial Difusión: Campus Sur.
Editorial Difusión: Cuadernos de gramática española. Nivel A1. Nivel A2. Gramática española. App para iPad y algunas tablets con sistema Android.

Timetable and sections

Group Teacher Department
Ed: 11 Delia Castro Carrillo Sección Español

Timetable Ed: 11

Group Teacher Department
Sec: D Delia Castro Carrillo Sección Español

Timetable Sec: D

Group Teacher Department
Sec: D Delia Castro Carrillo Sección Español

Timetable Sec: D

Group Teacher Department
Sec: D Delia Castro Carrillo Sección Español

Timetable Sec: D

Group Teacher Department
Sec: E Delia Castro Carrillo Sección Español

Timetable Sec: E

Group Teacher Department
Sec: E Delia Castro Carrillo Sección Español

Timetable Sec: E

Group Teacher Department
Sec: E Delia Castro Carrillo Sección Español

Timetable Sec: E