
Strategic Learning and Growth (2235.YR.014953.1)

Datos generales






S semestre

Créditos ECTS:



Grupo Profesor Departamento Idioma
Year 1 Artur Massana Fisa Dirección de Personas y Organización ENG


This is a self-contained course. Students do not need any previous knowledge in psychology or cognitive Science in order to follow it.

Conocimientos previos

This is a self-contained course. Students do not need any previous knowledge in psychology or cognitive Science in order to follow it.

Distribución de la carga de trabajo

This is a 6 ECTS course, which means that students are expected to dedicate approximately 150 hours of workload. (25 hours per ECTS). This workload encompasses various activities, including blended classes, both in-person and online, synchronous, or asynchronous, autonomous student work, study time, or any other time dedicated to the subject.

Contribución de la asignatura al programa

Be the change you want to see in the world - Mahatma Gandhi

Do you remember why you decided to enrol in the BITBASI?

Probably you had a genuine and intense thirst to change the world for the better and you wanted to do it through concerting action with others in organisational settings.

What is the first step in this inspiring vision that you have crafted for yourself?

If we follow Mahatma Gandhi's suggestion, it seems that the first step to make the world a better place must start with us. We need to be better ourselves.

This course is an invitation to start your leadership journey inside yourself. It wants to inspire you to "be the change you want to see in the world?.

At the end of the day, if you want others to change and do things differently: shouldn't you prove yourself that you can also change for the better?

Being open to learning and cultivating a growth mindset are two of the Key Sucess Factors for XXIst century managers. If everything we learn during our formal education, becomes obsolete in a few years, it is crucial to be open to learn continously, having tools to learn faster and being more strategic in your approach to learning.

The purpose of this course is to help you become smarter when it is time to self-direct your own learning and growth. It will provide you tools to reflect, plan and act that will allow the learning of new skills and reaching goals more effectively
You will study key scientific findings related to learning and executive functioning and you will practice creating habits that promote self-awareness, knowledge acquisition, efficient planning, and careful decision making. The course will focus on instilling you a growth mindset and developing practical strategies for engaging in continuous cycles of reflection and learning.

Objetivos de aprendizaje de la asignatura

1. Be able to describe clearly cognitive capacities, such as core executive functions (Cognitive Flexibility, Working Memory and Inhibitory control) and understand their importance in real world situations (their success as participants of BITBASI and also their future as managers and transformational leaders)
2. Be able to design and implement methods to successfully improve one's own and/or other's cognitive capacities.
3. Apply knowledge of executive functioning to enhance self-directed learning skills and habit formation.
4. Use contextually appropriate, valid, and reliable tools to measure cognitive capacities.


Blended learning: an approach that includes activities inside and outside the classroom, combining virtual and face-to-face activities, synchronous and asynchronous, on campus or not.
Guided learning: a mechanism that includes activities that are generally carried out outside the classroom, asynchronously wit specific instructions or guidelines indicated by the faculty.
Autonomous learning: activities where the student must carry out readings, studies, visualizations, or other activities autonomously without specific instructions of guidelines.

To achieve the objectives of the course, we will follow the full active learning approach.. Instead of being passive receivers of information (just as when you are attending a lecture) we expect you to be engaged participants that are continously involved in cognitive processing of relevant material through: (1) Careful preparation of contents before the session (2) Full engagement with other students and professor in breakout rooms and plenary during the biweekly sessions (3) Putting everything learned into practice after the sessions (the four compulsory deliverables will help you do that)

Previous to the beginning of the course, students will receive specific training on how to use the Minerva platform (Forum) and the methodological approach used in all minerva based courses.

What do I expect from you in class
Before the Session
Before Each session participants will have access to:
1. Content to be prepared: readings and videos
2. A study guide: with detailed questions or suggestions to successfully engage with the sessions' content
3. Pre-work: a detailed task to be done before the beginning of each class
I expect that you:
- Study carefully all the compulsory materials for the session (Readings and Videos) Remember that I will not be lecturing during the course, and that I expect that you assimilate the main concepts and theories through careful analysis of the material before the session. Nonetheless, we will clarify the main concepts in class when they are complex and we need to make sure that we are on the same page in order to move forward to new content.
- Answer all the proposed questions and activities of the Study Guide in a written format. I strongly suggest that you create a word document that contains all the questions posed before the session and that you try to answer them in order to enhance your comprehension of the content. This can be your "learning journal? and it is a great tool to assimilate the main contents of this course.
- Prepare the pre-work and be ready to share it with others during class. The pre-work is the foundation of each class. In most occasion you will be asked to share your pre-work and discuss it with your classmates and myself. Hence, the quality of the pre-work will determine the depth of our discussions and it will greatly affect the learning you will get out of this course.
During the Session
I expect that you:
- Participate actively in the class discussions and breakoutrooms, in particular I expect you to show this range of behaviours:
o Initiating comments, lines of research or questions that add value to common learning.
o Using conceptual vocabulary from the course when making contributions.
o Building on points mentioned by others.
o Actively listening to what other participants have said as a sign of respect and to build proper understanding and empathy with other points of view (a great way to increase your cognitive flexibility)
o Be open to share your own experiences as a learner: your good practices when it's time to learn and grow. Be also open to learn from the good practices of others in class.
o That you come prepared to the session, in such a way that your contribution does not only helps your learning but also the learning of your peers.
In class you can expect a pre-poll to test your understanding of the basic concepts and theories for that day, followed by two practical activities in which you will transfer your understanding of those very same concepts to novel situations. We will finalize each session with a final poll to reflect on your learnings for that day.

I expect that you:
- Engage actively with each one of the assignments devoted to the core executive functions. In particular, I expect that you will put into practice one specific strategy of your choosing to improve a given core executive function and that you report sincerely the impact that change has had in your learning and growth.
After unit 4
I expect that you get ready for a final reflective exam in class in which you will integrate all the contents of the session and be tested on the main concepts and theories viewed in class.

Criterios de evaluación

Active contribution to learning. Students will be required to show professional maturity and active engagement in the pedagogical activities of the course. Maintaining such an attitude throughout the course presupposes a number of things. First, it assumes that you attend a majority of the sessions. Second, it assumes that you demonstrate interest. Third, it supposes that you contribute to maintaining a positive class atmosphere. Fourth, it presumes that you are prepared, such that when you offer comments, they evidence a previous analysis of the issue being discussed, showing a deep understanding of the corresponding class. Fifth, is supposes that you are a good listener, showing it through comments that are relevant to the discussion and/or linked to the comments of others. Finally, it assumes that you an effective communicator, presenting your arguments concisely and convincingly.

Class activities. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the topics by completing tailored in-class activitites. These may include polls, short exercises, oral explanations of concepts, or short quizzes. In all cases, students will be required to show their understanding of the concepts discussed before, during or after the class. For this purpose, they will have to had completed the readings, come prepared, and made sure they revise contents from previous sessions. The course will follow a continous learning, incremental approach, meaning that you will be required to keep up-to-date with the materials to progress through the semester.

Timely completion and submission of assignments and reports. As part of their autonomous work, students will be required to complete a series of assignments during their independent study hours. In these assignment, students will be asked to deepen their understanding of the topics. Group projects will include peer evaluation.
Final Exam


On Core Executive Functions
o Chan, Todd. Wang, Iris. Ybarra, Oscar. 2021. Leading and Managing the Workplace: The Role of Executive Functions. Academy of Management Perspectives. Vol. 35. No.1. 142-164.
o Diamond, Adele. 2013. Executive Functions. Annual Review of Psychology. 64:135-68
o Goldstein, Sam. Naglieri, Jack.A. Editors. 2014. Handbook of Executive Functioning. Springer: New York.
o A good and funny way to explore core executive Functions at work is through Apps. A lot of the games in Lumin
On Cognitive Flexibility and Creativity
o Gray, Dave. Brown, Sunni. Macanufo, James. 2010. Gamestorming. A Playbbok for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers. O'Reilly: Cambridge.
o Gompertz, Will. 2015. Think Like an Artist... and Lead a More Creative, Productive Life. Penguin: London
o Kelley, Tom. Kelley, David. 2013. Creative Confidence. Unleashing the Creative Potential Within us All. Harper Collins Publishers: London
Tharp, Twyla. 2003. The creative Habit. Learn it and Use it for Life. Simon & Schuster Paperback: NY

On Inhibitory Control of Attention and Mindfulness
o Williams, Mark. Penman, Danny. 2011. Mindfulness. Finding Peace in a Frantic World. Hachette digital:London
o For anyone interested in Mindfulness, the Headspace APP and Netflix Series are highly recommended.
On Personal Productivity, Time Management and Better Planning
o Allen, David. 2015. Getting Things Done. The art of stress-free productivity. Piatkus:London.
o Schwartz, Tony. 2007. The Way We're Working isn't Working. The Four Forgotten Needs that Energize Great Performance. Free Press: NY
o Newport, Cal. 2016. Deep Work. Rules For Focused Success In A Distracted World. Piatkus: London.
On Habits, Learning Mindset and developping Great Learning Plans
o Dweck, Carol. 2017. Mindset. Changing the Way You Think to Fulfil Your Potential. Robinson: London.
o Duhigg, Charles, 2012 . The Power of Habit. Why we do What we do in Life and Business. Random House: New York
o Goldsmith, Marshall. 2015. Triggers. Creating behavior that lasts - becoming the person you want to be. Crown Publishing Group: New York
o Kegan, R., Lahey, L.L. 2009. Immunity to Change. How to Overcome It and Unlock the Potential in Yourself and Your Organization. Harvard: Harvard Business Review Press

Horarios y secciones

Grupo Profesor Departamento
Year 1 Artur Massana Fisa Dirección de Personas y Organización

Horario Year 1

Del 8/9/2023 al 4/12/2023:
Lunes y viernes de 11:00 a 12:30. (Excepto: 11/9/2023, 25/9/2023 y 6/11/2023)

Del 18/12/2023 al 20/12/2023:
Cada lunes de 11:00 a 12:30.
Cada miércoles de 9:00 a 12:00.