
Resolviendo un desafío rápido por el impacto usando Sprint: Cómo desarrollar productos (2235.YR.014927.2)

Datos generales






S semestre

Créditos ECTS:



Grupo Profesor Departamento Idioma
Year 2 Manuel Guerris Larruy Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences ENG


No prerequisites for this course

Conocimientos previos

No previous knowledge needed

Distribución de la carga de trabajo

This is a 5-ECTS course, which means that students are expected to dedicate approximately 125 hours of workload. (25 hours per ECTS). This workload may encompass various activities, including lectures, synchronous, or asynchronous autonomous student work, study time, presentations preparations or any other time dedicated to the subject.

Furthermore, the course will cover different topics such as Basics of project management, Project costs and accounting, Design Sprint methodology and Project-challenge presentation.

Contribución de la asignatura al programa

Students will be introduced to the major and latest theories, concepts, techniques and tools used in companies for the management of projects from both academic and practical perspectives as well as from a top-down and a bottom-up approach. Moreover, they will study the different techniques, the definition and sizing of the set of actions to perform in a given schedule in different spatial locations, by means of limited resources and costs, as well as with the participation of professionals from different cultures and countries and the project management tools used to manage projects efficiently.

Students will explore the contents provided by developing a challenge and practising different organizational roles during the challenge. This will provide them with practical knowledge about how to become a project manager and the challenges that they would face in that process. This practical approach and their reflection will be an important learning experience that will be helpful for other projects that students will do in the later stages of the Bachelor as well as in their professional careers.

Objetivos de aprendizaje de la asignatura

- Understanding how different project management approaches can help to develop products, services and business models
- Understanding the alignment of project management techniques with the nature of a product, service or business model
- Be able to define, implement and manage a project
- Raising the relevant costs and their magnitude related to the product, service of business design
- Designing a product or a service to address a specific social challenge related to Sustainable Development Goal #12 (Responsible Consumption and Production)
- Solving complex problems through designing, prototyping and testing ideas with users, within 5days using the Google Venture Design Sprint methodology


1. Project Management Basics

2. Project costs and accounting

3. Design Sprint

4. Project Challenge

Relación de Actividades con Contenidos

1 2 3 4
Class participation        
Individual Exam        
Project Challenge        
Peer evaluation        


- Lectures
- Discussion of business cases
- Practical development of a project based on a challenge


Actividades de evaluación

Descripción %
Class participation 20
Individual Exam 40
Project Challenge 30
Peer evaluation 10

Criterios de evaluación

- Participation in discussions and debates in class and business cases
- Individual exam of theoretical concepts
- Project plan and its presentation


- Cuffaro D., Zaksenberg I. (2013). The Industrial Design Reference & Specification Book: Everything Industrial Designers Need to Know Every Day. Rockport Publishers
- Knapp J., Zeratsky J. (2016). Sprint: the bestselling guide to solving business problems and testing new ideas the Silicon Valley way. Transworld Digital
- Kevin R. Callahan (2011). Project Management Accounting: Budgeting, Tracking, and Reporting Costs and Profitability, Wiley Corporate F&A Book 565.
- Meredith, J.R., Mantel, S.J. (2012). Project Management: A Managerial Approach, 8th edition, New York et al.
- Project Management Institute (2021). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, 7th edition, Newton Square, PA
- Selikoff S. (2020). The COMPLETE BOOK of Product Design, Development, Manufacturing, and Sales: A guide for anyone looking to develop and sell products/inventions. The next step beyond FBA, e-commerce, or licensing. ? Product Development Academy
- Verzuh E. (2005).The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management, John Wiley & Sons

Horarios y secciones

Grupo Profesor Departamento
Year 2 Manuel Guerris Larruy Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences

Horario Year 2

Del 5/9/2023 al 17/10/2023:
Martes y jueves de 9:00 a 12:00. (Excepto: 21/9/2023, 28/9/2023 y 12/10/2023)