
Socratic Dialogue 3 (2235.YR.014960.1)

Datos generales






S semestre

Créditos ECTS:



Grupo Profesor Departamento Idioma
Year 3 Sira Abenoza González Ciencias Sociales ENG

Distribución de la carga de trabajo

This is a 4-ECTS course, which means that students are expected to dedicate approximately 100hours of workload. (25 hours per ECTS). This workload encompasses various activities, including in person classes, synchronous or asynchronous autonomous student work, study time, or any other time dedicated to the subject.

Contribución de la asignatura al programa

On your third year, Socratic Dialogue 3 will consist of sessions running from January to June 2024. Each session will consist of an Impact Talk followed by a Socratic Dialogue, which we will do in two smaller groups. We have prepared 10 Impact Talks on topics related to technology. These will build on the topics and the knowledge you acquired during last year's course and will be delivered by ESADE professors who are experts on the topic. The main goal of the Impact Talks is, as it was last year, to understand some of the complexities of the world we inhabit and learn some theoretical frameworks that can help us make some sense of it. We will also have 3 session on 3 different books.

With the Socratic Dialogues that follow each session we will create a space for slow, respectful and insightful reflection, meaningful conversation. We want to provide you with the tools and the time to ponder about the complexities of what makes us human, and our role and responsibilities to ourselves and to others. This will foster a more profound understanding of what you are learning in the Impact Talks, help you draw connections with other topics and examine how those affect your lives. After all, as Socrates reminds us, an unexamined life is not worth living. Welcome!

The course is designed to:

1. Reflect about some big issues of our time: this year the focus will be on Technology.
2. Read classical texts to study them and put them in dialogue with the current and future challenges we
3. Connect the dots with other courses of the BA and do a metanalysis of their implications.
4. Create a space to examine the group dynamics developing and allow the time for any other personal
worries or concerns you might have.

Objetivos de aprendizaje de la asignatura

The course objectives are:

1. Keep practicing the main tools of Socratic Dialogue and be able to implement them both inside and outside the classroom. Identify the main challenges and strengths you face both as a facilitator and a participant of Socratic Dialogue.
2. Reflect on some of the main challenges of our time. Develop the ability to be critical about them.
3. Broaden your scope of reflection with the help of classical philosophical and literary texts. Get comfortable with complexity and with the interaction of different areas of knowledge to produce rigorous analysis of today's challenges.
4. Get used to reading philosophical, sometimes laborious texts that will require time and effort. Persevere in the face of intellectual challenges.


Each week we will have an Impact talk around a different topic followed by a Socratic Dialogue. During the 13 weeks of the semester, you will have an Impact Talk by an expert guest speaker which will
be followed by a session of Socratic Dialogue. Before each session you will be asked to learn about the week's topic by reading or watching videos. With that, you start reflecting about the issue before coming
to class and the weekly sessions will be much more fruitful. Afterwards, you will be asked to answer a question on Moodle to reflect upon the preparation materials, the lecture and the Socratic Dialogue.

*Attendance to all Impact Talks and Socratic Dialogues is mandatory.

In preparation for each class, you will be required to do the following:
1) Read the pre-class material, watch the required videos or documentaries.
2) After every class, write a post on the Forum on Moodle answering the question proposed based on the preparation materials, the Impact Talk and the following Socratic Dialogue.
3) Keep a class diary and write an entry after every weekly session. We ask you to record how you are feeling, what you are finding challenging or surprising, new learnings, questions that make you think,
irritate you, make you feel uncomfortable, ideas that surprise you, shock you etc. This diary will help you write the final essay.

The expected workload outside the classroom will be:
- 3,5 hours weekly (30 hours total).
- 12 hours after the course finishes for the final deliveries.

Criterios de evaluación

The evaluation criteria for the second semester will have 3 parts and will be divided as follows:

1. Attendance and Active Positive Contribution.
Percentage of the final grade: It makes up 30% of the final grade.
What is it: We will evaluate your attendance to the Impact Talks and your participation during the sessions (especially Socratic Dialogue sessions).
What we will evaluate: We will value thoughtful interventions that relate to the class material, your classmates' ideas and your own reflections. Valuable interventions during the class help the discussion move forward and open new avenues for exploration.
In terms of attendance, we expect you to be on time to every session. Also, we might propose some online form of dialogue exercise (perhaps through a forum), and might ask you to get involved in incentivizing the dialogue sessions (perhaps in groups).

2. Weekly reflection
Percentage of the final grade: It makes up 35% of the final grade.
What is it: You will be asked to deliver a weekly reflection exercise to be concretized at the beginning of the course. This exercise might be in the form of home dialogue exercises, forum entries, or reflection papers on the three books you will be asked to read during the semester. Further details will be provided as the course starts.
What we will evaluate: We will evaluate your understanding of the Impact Talks as well as book sessions, and very importantly a critical approach to all class contents as well as how you can relate the main ideas to other current topics or issues we have worked through together in class or any other topic you find relevant. We will appreciate timely, thoughtful deliveries that build upon the course material or other relevant sources you may find. Overall, we want to see that you have read and reflected about the topics and have been able to make some connections with what has been discussed on the Impact Talk and the Socratic Dialogue.

3. Final Exam
Percentage of the final grade: It makes up 35% of the final grade.
What is it: It will be a written exam about the content of the Impact Talks after the final session as well as about your personal learnings made during the course.
What we will evaluate: We will evaluate to what extent you can critically engage with the content of the Impact Talks as well as the personal insights you have gained during the course.

Horarios y secciones

Grupo Profesor Departamento
Year 3 Sira Abenoza González Ciencias Sociales

Horario Year 3

Del 10/1/2024 al 10/4/2024:
Cada miércoles de 12:30 a 14:00. (Excepto: 20/3/2024 y 27/3/2024)
Cada miércoles de 11:00 a 12:30. (Excepto: 27/3/2024)