
Liberal Arts I: Perception and self-awareness (2235.YR.014962.2)

Datos generales






S semestre

Créditos ECTS:



Grupo Profesor Departamento Idioma
Year 1 Beatriz Olvera Arias Dirección de Personas y Organización ENG

Distribución de la carga de trabajo

This is a 5 ECTS course, which means that students are expected to dedicate approximately 125 hours of workload. (25 hours per ECTS). This workload encompasses various activities, including lectures, synchronous, or asynchronous, autonomous student work, study time, or any other time dedicated to the subject.

Objetivos de aprendizaje de la asignatura

Leadership in the present and future is marked by a host of complex challenges that require a multifaceted approach. To navigate the ever-changing landscape and inspire others, leaders must possess a profound understanding of themselves and the world around them. Welcome to the transformative journey of self-awareness in our course, "Perception and self awareness?.

In this course, we embark on a profound exploration of self-awareness as the key to effective leadership. We recognize that leadership extends beyond mere technical skills and encompasses a deep connection with one's own mind, heart, and body. By cultivating self-awareness, we aim to empower you to become a leader who not only excels in their professional role but also nurtures a sense of authenticity, empathy, and purpose.

Self-awareness is the foundation upon which exceptional leadership is built. By gaining a deep understanding of your own thoughts, emotions, strengths, and limitations, you can develop a leadership style that aligns with your values and engages others on a profound level. It is through self-awareness that you gain insight into your impact on others, cultivate emotional intelligence, and make decisions that positively influence your team and organization.

Throughout this syllabus, we will embark on a holistic exploration of self-awareness that encompasses the mind, heart, and body. We will delve into the intellectual dimensions of self-awareness, exploring cognitive biases, critical thinking, and decision-making processes. Additionally, we will delve into the emotional dimensions, focusing on emotional intelligence, empathy, and self-regulation. Finally, we will recognize the importance of physical well-being and explore practices such as mindfulness, self-care, and embodiment to enhance your overall leadership effectiveness.
In this course, we invite you to embrace the interconnected nature of leadership and self-awareness. Through engaging discussions, experiential exercises, reflective practices, and case studies, we aim to provide you with the tools and knowledge to foster self-awareness and embody leadership from a holistic perspective. Together, we will explore the depths of self-discovery, empowering you to lead with authenticity, empathy, and resilience.

As we embark on this transformative journey, we encourage you to approach the course with an open mind and a willingness to explore new perspectives. Embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and be prepared to embark on a path of self-discovery and personal growth. By the end of this course, our aim is for you to emerge as a leader who possesses not only the technical skills but also the self-awareness required to create positive change in both your professional and personal spheres.
We are excited to accompany you on this profound exploration of self-awareness and leadership. Together, let us uncover the potential within, nourishing our minds, hearts, and bodies to become influential leaders who make a meaningful impact in an ever-evolving world.

The course is divided into two parts. The first one focuses on "mind and heart?, and the second one on "heart and body?, all of them critical pillars for self-awareness.

First part: "Mind and Heart" in self-awareness: Develop a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between the mind and heart in self-awareness, recognizing the impact of thoughts, emotions, values, and beliefs on personal growth and leadership effectiveness.

Learning objectives:

Develop Self-Reflection Skills: Foster the ability to engage in introspection and self-reflection, allowing for a deeper understanding of personal thoughts, emotions, motivations, and behaviors, and their influence on decision-making and leadership.

Foster Personal Growth and Reflection: Engage in reflective practices and self-assessment tools to continuously evaluate your leadership development, identify areas for improvement, and foster personal growth throughout your leadership journey.

Cultivate Values Alignment: Identify personal values and align them with actions and decision-making processes, fostering congruence between inner values and outward behavior, leading to greater authenticity and integrity as a leader.

Enhance Self-Compassion and Empathy: Develop self-compassion, treating oneself with kindness and understanding, and cultivate empathy towards oneself and others, fostering positive self-regard and compassionate leadership.

Cultivate Emotional Intelligence: Explore and cultivate emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills, to enhance emotional understanding, management, and interpersonal relationships.

Enhance Conflict Resolution Skills: Acquire strategies and skills to navigate and resolve conflicts with an emphasis on understanding different perspectives, active listening, and constructive dialogue, fostering effective communication and relationship building.

Apply Mind-Heart Integration: Apply the concepts, skills, and insights gained throughout the course to real-life leadership contexts, integrating the mind and heart to make informed decisions, build meaningful relationships, and inspire positive change in oneself and others.

By the end of this course, you will have acquired a comprehensive understanding of self-awareness as a key component of effective leadership. You will possess the knowledge, skills, and mindset required to lead with authenticity, empathy, and resilience, making a positive impact in your professional and personal spheres.

Second part: "Heart and body" : Recognize the Interconnectedness of Mind and Body: Understand that the use of the body affects the mind and that states of mind are reflected physically, establishing the understanding that mind and body are inextricably linked.

Learning objectives:

- Develop Body Awareness and Expression: Cultivate a heightened awareness of the body and its movement, allowing participants to explore physical expression as a means of communication and self-expression.

- Foster Authentic Self-Expression: Encourage participants to connect with their bodies and explore their physicality to express themselves freely, integrating imagination, intentions, and emotions with their body resources in a spontaneous and authentic manner.

- Enhance Communication Skills: Develop the ability to communicate effectively with others through body language and expression, bridging the gap between imagination, intentions, and physical actions.

- Integrate Mind, Body, and Spirit: Understand the importance of integrating mind, body, and spirit to have a holistic experience of oneself and enhance the authenticity and depth of personal expression.

- Explore Emotional Expression: Encourage participants to tap into their emotions and explore ways to express them physically, enhancing their ability to communicate and connect with others on an emotional level.

- Cultivate Physical Confidence: Develop confidence in using the body as a means of expression, enabling participants to overcome limitations and fully utilize their physical skills for effective communication.

- Enhance Body-Mind Connection: Deepen the understanding of the body-mind connection and its impact on personal expression and communication, facilitating a more integrated and harmonious approach to self-expression.

- Foster Spontaneity and Creativity: Encourage participants to embrace spontaneity and tap into their creative potential, allowing for innovative and dynamic physical expression in both theatrical and everyday contexts.

- Apply Learning to Real-Life Situations: Apply the concepts, techniques, and insights gained throughout the course to real-life scenarios, enabling participants to translate their physical skills and body awareness into effective communication, emotional expression, and self-confidence.

By the end of this course, participants will have developed a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of mind and body, enhanced their ability to express themselves authentically, and cultivated the skills necessary to communicate effectively through body language. They will have integrated their physicality, imagination, intentions, and emotions to create a more holistic and expressive way of being in both theatrical performances and everyday interactions.


1. First part

"Mind and Heart"

The following topics will be discussed and practiced:

My personal influences: Who has influenced me to become the person I am today.

Identify the way I perceive the world and other people using Herrmann

My core values: Which are the values that help me live an authentic life?

Empathy: Learning to recognized other people's emotions and how to connect with them.

Conflict management: Applying techniques to identify and de-escalate conflict situations, using compassion and assertiveness

Team work; which type of member I am in a team and how can I contribute to create high performing teams

2. Second part

"Heart and body"

The following topics will be discussed and practiced:

The need for relaxation and concentration, how to do it across breathing.

Relationship between body, mind and spirit.

Body, face, voice and words to communicate and express thoughts and feelings.

Body movement in the space and in different stages.

Energy and presence of the actor.

Honesty of the actor. Why authenticity inspires and moves audiences.


The methodology employed is designed to provide a comprehensive and transformative learning experience. The course embraces a learner-centered approach, combining various instructional methods to cater to diverse learning styles and preferences.

Participants will engage in thought-provoking discussions, interactive exercises, reflective practices, case studies, and practical applications to foster a deep understanding of self-awareness and its implications for leadership.

The course encourages active participation, encouraging individuals to share their perspectives, engage in collaborative learning, and apply newly acquired knowledge and skills in real-life situations. Additionally, the course integrates experiential learning, allowing participants to explore their own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors through immersive activities, promoting self-reflection and personal growth.

The methodology emphasizes a holistic approach, recognizing the interconnectedness of the mind, heart, and body in self-awareness, and offers opportunities for participants to cultivate emotional intelligence, enhance critical thinking, and develop authentic leadership practices. By utilizing a diverse range of instructional methods, the course aims to create an engaging and dynamic learning environment, enabling participants to embrace self-discovery, foster personal transformation, and become more effective leaders in both professional and personal domains.

Criterios de evaluación

The course will be graded as follows: Each will will account for 50% of the grade and the final grade will be a simple average of first part and second part
First part "Mind and Heart" (50% of the final grade)

The assessment breakdown is as follows:

- Learning Journal (50%)
- Active and Positive (50%)

Throughout the course, participants will be encouraged to maintain a personal journal (50% of the grade) to document their reflections, insights, and experiences related to their self-awareness journey. This learning journal will serve as a valuable tool for self-assessment, allowing participants to track their growth, identify areas of development, and integrate the knowledge and skills acquired during the course. The journal entries will provide an opportunity for participants to articulate their thoughts, emotions, and observations, deepening their understanding of the mind and heart connection in self-awareness.

The learning journal will be evaluated based on the depth of reflection, the application of course concepts, the clarity of expression, and the overall growth demonstrated by the participant.

This evaluation approach aims to foster self-directed learning, promote introspection, and encourage participants to take an active role in their own personal and professional development.

Participation (50% of the grade) will imply engaging in meaningful discussions, participating in experiential exercises, and contributing to group activities

The evaluation will consider the quality and depth of participation, including active listening, thoughtful contributions, and the ability to apply course concepts to real-life scenarios.

By emphasizing participation, the evaluation aims to encourage active engagement, foster a collaborative learning environment, and enable participants to integrate their understanding through practical application.

Second part "Heart and Body" (50% of the final grade)

The assessment breakdown is as follows:

- Active and Positive Contribution to learn (30%)
- Individual and/or group work (70%)

Attendance is mandatory and it is crucial for the achievement of the learning objectives, and thus we will keep track of it. Punctuality is also of vital importance for the development of the sessions.

Active and Positive contribution to learn: Students will be required to show professional maturity and active engagement in the pedagogical activities of the course. Maintaining such an attitude throughout the course presupposes a number of things. First, it assumes that you attend a majority of the sessions. Second, it assumes that you demonstrate interest. Third, it supposes that you contribute to maintaining a positive class atmosphere. Fourth, it presumes that you are prepared, such that when you offer comments, they evidence a previous analysis of the issue being discussed, showing a deep understanding of the corresponding class. Fifth, is supposes that you are a good listener, showing it through comments that are relevant to the discussion and/or linked to the comments of others. Finally, it assumes that you an effective communicator, presenting your arguments concisely and convincingly.

Horarios y secciones

Grupo Profesor Departamento
Year 1 Beatriz Olvera Arias Dirección de Personas y Organización

Horario Year 1

Del 11/12/2023 al 15/12/2023:
De lunes a viernes de 13:30 a 15:30.
De lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 12:00.

Del 8/1/2024 al 12/1/2024:
De lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 12:00.