
Journey into Professionalism (2235.YR.015537.2)

Datos generales






S semestre

Créditos ECTS:



Grupo Profesor Departamento Idioma
Year 3 Carlos Royo Morón Dirección de Personas y Organización ENG


Having carried out the evaluations during the previous years of the BITLASI competencies and the subsequent sessions with the assigned tutor.

Conocimientos previos

As a continuation of the assessments of your competencies with a tutor, as of this year, we propose that you be the one who exercises this role of the tutor with your peer. This subject will consist of training to develop your abilities to give and receive feedback, based on respect and feedforward. Welcome to peer coaching.

Distribución de la carga de trabajo

This is a 3-ECTS course, which means that students are expected to dedicate approximately 75 hours of workload to this course. (25 hours per ECTS). This workload encompasses various activities, including face to face lectures, synchronous, or asynchronous, autonomous student work, study time, or any other time dedicated to the subject.

Contribución de la asignatura al programa

The choice of a professional career is very important, it's the key to achieving personal self-fulfillment. To get the right choice, it's necessary to thoroughly develop 2 important concepts: our level of self-awareness and our professional display.

Having an insight into who we are and what we want is essential not only for professional but personal success.

The course will cover self-awareness, giving the students a solid foundation by identifying their strengths and recognizing where to focus, as well as working on their improvement areas. In addition, it will be carried out to display the ideal professional career plan, and a strategy will be designed for its achievement. Finally, students will have at their disposal the necessary tools for their professional goals.

Finally, students will be able to have knowledge of how to carry out a peer coaching session, they will know basic coaching tools and they will be able to improve their one-to-one communication skills.

Objetivos de aprendizaje de la asignatura

The main goal of the course is to assist and guide the students in their process of self-awareness and professional self-fulfillment, to be able to develop the necessary skills for their career path's definition.

The program has the following specific objectives:
1. To awake and develop the level of self-awareness
2. To study in more detail the professional sectors and the functional areas
3. To find the perfect match for each student in the professional sector and functional area
4. To provide and help to command the required tools to get in the job market
5. To know the psychological processes behind peer coaching
6. To Practice how to conduct a peer coaching session


1. Introduction

¿ Welcome & Course Presentation
¿ Internships Agreement

2. Steps for a peer coaching session

3. General Market Overview

4. Methods to assess

Elevator Pitch: Tell your Storytelling
Assessment Centre
Impact Insights

5. A career built to impact: transversal employability skills

6. The Entrepreneurship path

7. Understand the Venture Capital

8. What is Peer Coaching

What tools are basic for the exercise of coaching and how to use them in sessions with your peers.
What skills can they develop to be able to hold a peer coaching meeting with their peers? How do you go from judging to accompanying?
In what kind of company cultures is peer coaching promoted? The influence on good leadership of knowing how to give and receive feedback.
The most significant differences between giving feedback and being able to transfer an evaluation to an action plan (feedforward)


Class participation
Dynamics in class
Individual assignnements

Criterios de evaluación

- Class participation, interaction and team work 20%
- CV accepted in Job Teaser 35%
- Careers Preferences in Job Teaser 35%
- Peer Coaching 10%



Job Teaser
-Teaching notes

Daniel H. Pink, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
Dale Carnegie, Como ganar amigos e influir sobre las personas
Daniel Goleman, Search Inside Yourself: The Unexpected Path to Achieving Success, Happiness (and World Peace)
Foltos, L. (2013). Peer coaching: Unlocking the power of collaboration. Corwin Press,
Mel Famageltto, How To Track Career: Ways To Identifying Expertise And Job Market For Developing A Career Path: Grow Career Value
Virgil Joynson, Strengths In Personal Experiences: Tips On Winning Interviews And Shining In Career Path: Barriers In Life
Wendolyn Vandiver, Strengths In Personal Experiences: Tips On Winning Interviews And Shining In Career Path: Barriers In Life
Whitmore, J. (2009) Coaching for Performance: Growing Human Potential and Purpose?The Principles and Practice of Coaching and Leadership. 4th Edition, Nicholas Brealey Publishing, London.

Horarios y secciones

Grupo Profesor Departamento
Year 3 Carlos Royo Morón Dirección de Personas y Organización

Horario Year 3

Del 31/10/2023 al 12/12/2023:
Cada martes de 14:00 a 17:00. (Excepto: 28/11/2023)