
Disruptive innovation for the legal industry (2235.YR.015267.1)

Datos generales






S semestre

Créditos ECTS:



Grupo Profesor Departamento Idioma
Year 5 Giulio Toscani Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences ENG


The law has long been unaffected by the winds of change of the last decades.

Why do innovation techniques like design thinking or disruptive innovation have become such common buzzwords in business and why these could be useful to law professionals?

Legal services face real-world problems as business, so require innovative techniques to know what information or process to pursue, what data to collect and how to analyse humongous amount of knowledge and synthesize it to achieve different output, so the goal of this course is to tackle these challenges, specifically for law professionals. We will use a rigorous approach, favouring the emergence of alternative options to the classic legal industry approaches.

In this course, participants will learn from technology and these disruptive applications, will practice them and implement some of these systems in their job routine. Participants will understand how the world and the business is changing also the legal domain. The main goal of the course is to equip you with the tools to tackle new opportunities offered by a rigorous application of disruptive innovation, a branch of design thinking. The topic should therefore be of interest to legal professionals concerned with issues of building business by using the latest disruptive tools, and developing analytical, presentation and people skills. Furthermore, you will test your skills in implementing all these concepts in practice so to end the course by applying disruptive innovation to your specific legal case.

Conocimientos previos

The purpose of this unit is to provide the opportunity to include up-to-date material from the business world that is relevant to the legal services community.
Students will have the opportunity to research and discuss topics that are currently topical, and which are relevant to their studies.

Objetivos de aprendizaje de la asignatura

The objectives of the unit are to enable students to:
1. Understand what disruptive innovation is and how it is disrupting the business and society.
2. Make strategic, confident decisions based on solid and advanced technique.
3. Learn a valuable business methodology that help you pinpoint weaknesses and discover new opportunities in the legal domain.
4. Earn higher profits by better understanding the future of your business, your working processes and your clients.
5. Dissect what data and processes will make the different and not just what client.

Successful completion of this unit should result in participants who have developed the ability to:
- Research and analyse complex information on how to disrupt the legal services
- Read the global business environment and identify opportunities and threats
- Articulate how they and their environment, including business competitors, can respond to these challenges
- Purposefully developing relevant business competencies and strategies.

And to develop:
- Innovative approach
- Analytical and critical thinking
- Reflection on skill development for management and leadership
- Persuasion & Influencing
- Research

The topics are based on disruptive innovation, updated for each session and based on students participation.

There will a number of topics that students will read in advance of the sessions. The unit will then provide a forum to discuss the topic in detail, supported eventually by expert guest speakers, to provide students with a clear view of the issues. Students will then work together in groups to identify opportunities and threats that arise, and to determine appropriate responses.




35% Class Participation
65% Individual final project
(More details in the assessment section)
To achieve the objectives of the course, the format of it would be based on case studies, group exercises and a mix of lectures and class discussions.
Case Studies. Generally, the first half of the sessions will be devoted to the analysis and discussion of cases. The case method is one of the most effective pedagogical tools to sharpen your analytical and decision-making skills, as it requires you to be an active participant in marketing decisions. Cases intend to give you practice in assembling data, supporting and discussing decisions. Moreover, the case method provides a vehicle by which to apply theories, concepts, and frameworks that we discuss in class or which you find in the assigned readings. Finally, the discussion constitutes an opportunity to defend your position and to learn from others, by listening to their comments and criticisms. Everything on a "safe environment?, where there are low risks when mistakes are made. Classrooms are our training environments to prepare you for business challenges.
Lecture/Discussion. These sessions are devoted to presentation and discussion of frameworks, concepts and theories that are useful for marketing practice. In general, these lectures are strongly linked to what we have discussed previously during case analyses.

Criterios de evaluación

A student's final grade in this course will be based on the following weighting:

35% Class Participation
65% Individual final project

Assesment reflects the quality of a student's active participation in class discussions. Much of a manager's success depends on communication; therefore effective oral communication will constitute the student's grade. Written work should be clear, logical, grammatically correct, spell-checked, persuasive, supported by examples, and backed up by citations for any data, ideas or other content used. It should represent the student's best effort. To do well on the writing assignments, you will need to incorporate and apply the course readings.

A note on Class participation:
Grading class participation is necessarily subjective. However, I try to make it as "objective as possible?. Some of the criteria for evaluating effective class participation include:

1 Is the participant prepared? Do comments show evidence of analysis of the case? Do comments add to our understanding of the situation? Does the participant go beyond simple repetition of case facts without analysis and conclusions? Do comments show an understanding of theories, concepts, and analytical devices presented in class lectures or reading materials?
2 Is the participant a good listener? Are the points made relevant to the discussion? Are they linked to the comments of others? Is the participant willing to interact with other class members?
3 Is the participant an effective communicator? Are concepts presented in a concise and convincing way?

Class Participation 35%

This course covers a significant amount of content and much of the learning comes from in-class exercises and discussion. Therefore, students are expected to attend all class sessions, complete all assigned readings and come prepared and ready to participate. Attendance will be taken and participation will be evaluated at each class session. Participation in all on-campus sessions in their entirety is mandatory, and students may not be late or leave early for any of these sessions. Failure to be in attendance for the entirety of the session will result in removal from the class.

Individual final project 65%
The Individual final project is meant to be a culmination of all the learnings in the class; to do well on this assignment it is imperative to draw upon the readings and discussions in presenting your analysis.

Please kindly explain in your assignment the solution you propose for the problem and deeper need you have identified.
- Write a word document (with no upper or lower word-count limits) where you demonstrate what you have learnt in class, by answering in details, giving at least an example for each questions, all the points below.

1. What is the problem?
2. Who has the problem?
3. What is your proposed solution?
4. How did you reach this solution?
5. What is the value of solving that problem with your solution?
6. What is the technology you propose for your solution? Why?
7. What are the human skills required to solve the problem? Why?
8. What is your most important learning for this course?

Please take into account that I reward critical thinking and specifically
- RELEVANCE is the solution addressing the right problem?
- COHERENCE how well does the solution fit?
- EFFECTIVENESS is the solution achieving its objectives?
- EFFICIENCY how well are resources being used?
- IMPACT what difference does the solution make?
- SUSTAINABILITY will the benefits last?

So, jot down what questions you have asked yourself, to reach the conclusions.
Do your best to show that you have been critical, so what you propose makes sense from a business, technology and ethical/legal point of view.

Try not to just propose a solution that is neither impossible to produce, advertise and monetise, nor propose to use technology as a magic wand.

Think instead of a problem first, without considering technology at this stage.

Think of a possible ecosystem, a possible alliance, a different business model or a new model for revenues (the analogic vs. digital toothbrush example), the data you need to have and why these data.

Then think how technology could help you, by looking at what is available on the market.

I do not expect you to propose a detailed technical solution, but, yes a business sound solution using a technology that may have been used by someone else and you could use too.

Remember to list briefly how you are going to integrate the solution, to overcome skepticism from investors and solution users. Just show that you understand the final goal of using these technologies to solve your problem.

And of course, explain what are the legal/ethical implications.

The assessment criteria are:

Coherence: the smooth and logical flow of writing

Consistency the uniformity of style and content

Feasibility the degree of being easily or conveniently done

Originality the ability to think independently and creatively


What Is Disruptive Innovation? by: Clayton M. Christensen; Michael E. Raynor; Rory McDonald
How Useful is the Theory of Disruptive Innovation? by: Andrew King; Baljir Baatartogtokh
The business of influencing is not frivolous. It's serious Influencers are becoming brand ambassadors?even for the poshest of brands. The economist
A Measured Approach to Regulating Fast-Changing Tech by: Larry Downes
A Tale of Storytelling: Its Allure and its Traps by: Hilary Austen
How Storytelling Builds Next-Generation Leaders by: Douglas A. Ready
What's the Right Customer Experience for Your Brand? by: Luke Williams; Alexander Buoye; Timothy L. Keiningham; Lerzan Aksoy
The Most Common Reasons Customer Experience Programs Fail y: Ryan Smith; Luke Williams

Recommended Textbooks:
Williams, L. (2015). Disrupt: Think the unthinkable to spark transformation in your business. FT Press.

Horarios y secciones

Grupo Profesor Departamento
Year 5 Giulio Toscani Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences

Horario Year 5

Del 6/9/2023 al 25/10/2023:
Cada miércoles de 8:15 a 11:15.