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CIM: Business Writing: Professional Summaries (BBA90007)

Datos generales






S semestre

Créditos ECTS:



Grupo Profesor Departamento Idioma
Ed: 1 Matthew Cruickshank Owen English Section ENG
Ed: 1 Gaby Michaelides English Section ENG

Grupo Profesor Departamento Idioma
Ed: 2 Matthew Cruickshank Owen English Section ENG
Ed: 2 Gaby Michaelides English Section ENG


English III completed

Distribución de la carga de trabajo

Workload distribution:

Contact hours: 30 (These include input sessions, student participation and individual feedback and counselling)
Independent work: 30 hours

Contribución de la asignatura al programa

Students will develop their writing skills to apply them to the workplace. They will recognise the genres of workplace communication and practice composing texts that comply with these norms.

Objetivos de aprendizaje de la asignatura

To prepare and produce effective workplace texts in context adapting the register as appropriate to suit a variety of audiences and a variety of purposes.

This involves focusing on a series of more specific objectives during the course:

A. to recognise the style of workplace writing; identify the audience and adopt the right tone and style
B. to identify the structure and function of different workplace texts, and recognise the intertexuality component of business communication
C. to practice checking and editing skills to ensure a high standard of presentation and content for delivering different messages as a representative of a firm, as well as an individual
D. To learn about how an audience perceives one, and how one can learn from this


4. Ser capaz de comunicar información y/o conocimiento
5. Tener la capacidad de aprendizaje permanente (lifelong learning ability, aprender a aprender)

Relación de Actividades con Competencias

4 5
Final written task    


1. Authentic texts

Working with authentic texts, building frameworks to guide composition, using self study and discussion in class

2. In-class tasks and assignments

In-class tasks and assignments set by the teacher, with extensive feedback; redrafting and rewriting to develop good writing habits.

3. Teacher-led critiques and discussion


Relación de Actividades con Contenidos

1 2 3 4
Final written task        


All tasks are set within a business context.


Actividades de evaluación

Descripción %
Portfolio 50
Final written task 50


Basic bibliography:

Relevant reading and viewing material will be recommended by the teacher during the course.

Horarios y secciones

Grupo Profesor Departamento
Ed: 1 Matthew Cruickshank Owen English Section
Ed: 1 Gaby Michaelides English Section

Horario Ed: 1

Del 27/9/2017 al 15/11/2017:
Cada miércoles de 8:00 a 11:00. (Excepto: 18/10/2017 y 1/11/2017)

Grupo Profesor Departamento
Ed: 2 Matthew Cruickshank Owen English Section
Ed: 2 Gaby Michaelides English Section

Horario Ed: 2

Del 5/2/2018 al 12/3/2018:
Cada lunes de 8:00 a 11:00.