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CIM: Negotiations Skills (BBA90008)

Datos generales






S semestre

Créditos ECTS:



Grupo Profesor Departamento Idioma
Ed: 1 Gaby Michaelides English Section ENG
Ed: 1 Matthew Cruickshank Owen English Section ENG

Grupo Profesor Departamento Idioma
Ed: 2 Gaby Michaelides English Section ENG
Ed: 2 Matthew Cruickshank Owen English Section ENG

Grupo Profesor Departamento Idioma
Ed: 3 Gaby Michaelides English Section ENG
Ed: 3 Matthew Cruickshank Owen English Section ENG


English III completed

Distribución de la carga de trabajo

Contact hours: 30 (These include input sessions, student participation and individual feedback and counselling)
Independent work: 30 hours

Contribución de la asignatura al programa

Studying the theory and practice of modern business negotiations will offer an opportunity to experiment and learn about this essential skill of business management. The course contributes to the programme by (a) improving students¿ knowledge of the main theories of achieving successful agreements (b) increasing and activating communicative ability (c) putting to work the full range of linguistic resources to achieve a specific aim and (d) improving accuracy by providing the opportunity to rehearse, deliver and reflect on real-time business performances.

Objetivos de aprendizaje de la asignatura

Prepare and conduct business negotiations
Introduce theory and practice of distributive and integrative negotiations
Identify and practice skills for negotiation such as listening, planning, framing, and explaining.


3. Ser capaz de tomar decisiones y/o emitir juicios en situaciones complejas
5. Tener la capacidad de aprendizaje permanente (lifelong learning ability, aprender a aprender)

Relación de Actividades con Competencias

3 5


1. Theoretical aspects of negotiations

Short input sessions on theoretical aspects of negotiations, including integrative and distributive strategies, planning, the role of arbitration, game theory and active listening.

2. Phases and roles in negotiation situations

Simple and more complex practical exercises to experience different phases and roles in negotiation situations.

3. Strategies and behaviours

Observation of others and reflection and feedback on successful and less successful strategies and behaviours.

4. Readings and commentaries

Readings and commentaries from key academic and practitioner sources.

5. Video recordings, films and live performances

Critical viewing of video recordings, films and live performances to assess self and others in terms of body language, spoken language and negotiation styles.

6. Peer evaluation and discussion

7. Teacher-led discussion

Relación de Actividades con Contenidos

1 2 3 4 5 6 7



Relevant reading and viewing material will be recommended by the teacher during the course.

Horarios y secciones

Grupo Profesor Departamento
Ed: 1 Gaby Michaelides English Section
Ed: 1 Matthew Cruickshank Owen English Section

Horario Ed: 1

Del 27/9/2017 al 29/11/2017:
Cada miércoles de 8:00 a 11:00. (Excepto: 18/10/2017 y 1/11/2017)

Grupo Profesor Departamento
Ed: 2 Gaby Michaelides English Section
Ed: 2 Matthew Cruickshank Owen English Section

Horario Ed: 2

Del 7/2/2018 al 7/3/2018:
Cada miércoles de 8:00 a 11:00.

Del 11/4/2018 al 25/4/2018:
Cada miércoles de 8:00 a 11:00.

Grupo Profesor Departamento
Ed: 3 Gaby Michaelides English Section
Ed: 3 Matthew Cruickshank Owen English Section

Horario Ed: 3

Del 18/6/2018 al 28/6/2018:
De lunes a jueves de 8:00 a 11:00.

Lunes 16/7/2018 de 9:00 a 11:30.