
Mobile App Programming (2225.YR.004800.1)

General information






S semester

ECTS Credits:


Teaching Staff:

Group Teacher Department Language
Year 1 Francesc Roig i Feliu Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences ENG

Group Teacher Department Language
Year 2 Francesc Roig i Feliu Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences ENG

Group Teacher Department Language
Year 3 Francesc Roig i Feliu Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences ENG

Group Teacher Department Language
Year 4 Francesc Roig i Feliu Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences ENG


Have a Mac or PC computer with at least 8 GB of memory and about 40 GB of free storage.


This course aims to primarily introduce students to the world of mobile apps from the developer's perspective. Classes are fundamentally hands-on, enabling students to develop simple mobile apps based primarily on the Apple iOS (iPhone, iPad) and Google Android platforms.

For students without any programming experience this is an excellent opportunity to explore a world which is increasingly important for our society. Just as mastering English has become key for business in the last few decades, programming, the universal language of technology, will become fundamental in the coming years.

As mentioned, the course is practical in focus. This implies that, after an introduction to the economic and technological aspects of the key platforms when developing a new app project, the course will focus on the theoretical-practical elements related to app development.

Students will learn to use Apple's Xcode(*) and Google's Android Studio (**) development software as well as the device simulators they incorporate. If students wish, they can also test their app projects on any of their own devices.

In terms of content, the course mainly addresses two fundamental aspects of app development for mobile devices: (1) the graphic interface and (2) the code programming. In addition, the different class sessions will explore also other related topics such as multimedia content in apps, visualization of web content or maps, and the control of physical devices via Bluetooth.

For the last topic, there will be a practical activity that will consist of programming an app that controls a small robot via Bluetooth. During the last session of the course, a small robot competition will be held to test these apps.

(*) Xcode is only available for Mac computers. Consequently, those interested in developing apps specifically for iOS (iPhone, iPad and iPod touch) should ideally have their own Mac. If they don't, they will be able to work with classmates that have one to address the topics related specifically to iOS. Having a Mac is not a prerequisite to enroll in this course but, if the students are particularly interested in the iOS app development part, it is highly recommended.

(**) Android Studio is available for both Mac and PC.

Course Learning Objectives

The objectives of this course are:

- Introduce students to the world of app development for iOS and Android based mobile devices.

- Introduce students to programming in a more appealing way than that found in traditional programming courses.


We will use examples and practical exercises to learn about app programming. These will be carried out in class either individually or in groups.

Students will also work on a group project consisting of the development of an application project. These groups will consist of a maximum of 5 students each. The project will be presented and graded in class in the last session of the course.

Assessment criteria

Class participation: 10%
Proposed activities: 30%
Group project: 60% (weighted with peer evaluation)

Faculty and peers will assess the projects: The grade on the project will be computed as follows: 70% of the grade assigned by faculty + 30% of the grade assigned by the other groups.

Note: To successfully pass this course, students need to attend a minimum of 80% of the scheduled sessions.


Faculty will provide students with all the material needed for the different course sessions.

Other internet resources.

Timetable and sections

Group Teacher Department
Year 1 Francesc Roig i Feliu Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences

Timetable Year 1

From 2022/9/6 to 2022/10/11:
Each Tuesday from 14:45 to 17:15.

From 2022/11/8 to 2022/11/29:
Each Tuesday from 14:45 to 17:15.

Group Teacher Department
Year 2 Francesc Roig i Feliu Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences

Timetable Year 2

From 2022/9/6 to 2022/10/11:
Each Tuesday from 14:45 to 17:15.

From 2022/11/8 to 2022/11/29:
Each Tuesday from 14:45 to 17:15.

Group Teacher Department
Year 3 Francesc Roig i Feliu Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences

Timetable Year 3

From 2022/9/6 to 2022/10/11:
Each Tuesday from 14:45 to 17:15.

From 2022/11/8 to 2022/11/29:
Each Tuesday from 14:45 to 17:15.

Group Teacher Department
Year 4 Francesc Roig i Feliu Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences

Timetable Year 4

From 2022/9/6 to 2022/10/11:
Each Tuesday from 14:45 to 17:15.

From 2022/11/8 to 2022/11/29:
Each Tuesday from 14:45 to 17:15.