The course offers novel, research-based approaches to collaborative innovation, taking place in an ever more interconnected and competitive business environment. It deals with collaborative innovation with regard to both tangible (e.g., products) and intangible (e.g., identity, experience) assets of organizations. It focuses on applying theory to practice, and providing students with the tools required to manage different types of organizations and their innovation processes effectively.
The bibliography includes, but is not limited to, the following articles:
Aaker, D. A. (1996). Measuring brand equity across products and markets. California management review, 38(3).
Brakus, J. J., Schmitt, B. H., & Zarantonello, L. (2009). Brand experience: what is it? How is it measured? Does it affect loyalty?. Journal of marketing, 73(3), 52-68.
Iglesias, O., Markovic, S., & Rialp, J. (2019). How does sensory brand experience influence brand equity? Considering the roles of customer satisfaction, customer affective commitment, and employee empathy. Journal of Business Research, 96, 343-354.
Ind, N., Iglesias, O., & Markovic, S. (2017). The co-creation continuum: From tactical market research tool to strategic collaborative innovation method. Journal of Brand Management, 24(4), 310-321.
Markovic, S., & Bagherzadeh, M. (2018). How does breadth of external stakeholder co-creation influence innovation performance? Analyzing the mediating roles of knowledge sharing and product innovation. Journal of Business Research, 88, 173-186.
Markovic, S., Jovanovic, M., Bagherzadeh, M., Sancha, C., Sarafinovska, M., & Qiu, Y. (2020). Priorities when selecting business partners for service innovation: The contingency role of product innovation. Industrial Marketing Management, 88, 378-388.
Merz, M. A., He, Y., & Vargo, S. L. (2009). The evolving brand logic: a service-dominant logic perspective. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 37(3), 328-344.
Da Silveira, C., Lages, C., & Simões, C. (2013). Reconceptualizing brand identity in a dynamic environment. Journal of Business Research, 66(1), 28-36.