
The Marketing Manager (2225.YR.009753.1)

General information






S semester

ECTS Credits:


Teaching Staff:

Group Teacher Department Language
Year 1 Lluís Ferran Blanch Colino Marketing ENG

Group Teacher Department Language
Year 2 Lluís Ferran Blanch Colino Marketing ENG

Group Teacher Department Language
Year 3 Lluís Ferran Blanch Colino Marketing ENG

Group Teacher Department Language
Year 4 Lluís Ferran Blanch Colino Marketing ENG


We expect advanced undergraduate students with a consolidate knowledge about marketing concepts and strategies.

Previous Knowledge

Marketing concepts and strategies.

Workload distribution

First day of class students will form teams of five students, who will be working along the course, on different exercises and a marketing project.
Every group will prepare a weekly report on the speakers' content and mail takeaways, that will be delivered weekly by the Moodle page, by the beginning of the following session. Students will be provided with a detailed document covering the guidelines for these reports.

Project activity description:
Each project will have two deliverables on assigned dates:
1.- The research proposal
2.- The final delivery.
A specific document with detailed guidelines on the project as well as with the complete list of topics available with a detailed definition of key words to be covered, will be available on the Moodle page.


The purpose of this course is to introduce advanced undergraduate students to the marketing competences and skills needed for the real "Marketing in action". Students will get inmerse in practical training to develop marketing science skills. This is a finishing subjet to polish, prepare and be ready the day after the course "to be a value" in a Marketing Department.

There are two ways of viewing the experience needed by a marketing manager. The first aspect of necessary experience is his assessment and evaluation of the observations and options of busy people involved in the marketing mix. Their down-to-earth knowledge is based on a realistic and practical experience of the markets and the problems of marketing which comes from their day-to-day work experience or class simulations. The second aspect of necessary experience comes from themarketing educationalist who, having analysed the subject of marketing from an academic pointof view, is able to state a set of rules or principles to govern the practice of the profession. For eficient marketing management it is important to follow the rules established by the educationa list but use them creatively in the real, practical world of business - to create plans resulting in satisfied customers and profitable companies.

Just as in selling, where the most successful salesman is not necessarily the one with the most practical or theoretical knowledge but needs a balanced combination of the two, the marketing executive must learn how to put theory into practice. Marketing is a fascinating set of activities, all of which have their base in the study and understanding of human behaviour. The ?market' of the marketing executive is a mass of humanity, sensitively aware of its ?needs' and ?wants' and capable of ?responding' to the planned marketing creations of Business organisations. The marketing manager has the power to stimulate and motivate the public into particular buying actions. However, he must only use this power with a full awareness of moral and ethical codes of conduct and the ?laws of the land'. The student of marketing requires a complete understanding of the fundamental principles and practices. This enables the formulation of a marketing ?policy' and strategic plans to achieve his company's goals. The following chart shows the elements of knowledge which the marketing executive must have.

At a time when the marketing world is undergoing radical changes, the industry needs leaders to tackle the day's most pressing challenges. How do you attract new consumers? How do you keep the old ones? If the digital revolution provides consumers with practically unlimited choices, how do you distinguish your product from the rest? How do you get their attention in the first place? These are just a few of the problems marketing managers across the world are facing.

What marketing managerial skills encourage a positive attitude and top performance in employees ?
- What marketing skills encourage a negative attitude and poor performance in teams and employees ?
- Consider your marketing skills. What can you do to encourage more positive self expectations ?
- How will that benefit them ?

Marketing Manager Job Description
The marketing manager position is among the most coveted positions in the industry and holds the most important responsibility: developing and implementing the organization's overall marketing strategy to attract new clients and maintain and strengthen existing ones. Compared to related roles like advertising manager, the marketing manager assumes a big-picture focus and must consider a wide range of factors, including macro and microeconomic factors, like estimating demand, determining price, and generally keeping an eye on econòmic trends which may affect strategy-making.

- Valuable Skills for Marketing Managers
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Understanding of marketing theory and practice (traditional and emerging)
- Budget management
- Product Development
- Fixing Pricing Strategy
- Financial planning and strategy
- Creative and innovative thinking
- Sales planning
- Familiarity with web design, graphic design, and production

This is a learning space for those of you who are passionate about marketing and who are considering to develop a career in this field. Our main goal is to help you prepare to start a career in marketing after graduation, through:
1-Understanding daily day marketing tools and partners for Consumer Behavior Observation: Nielsen, Kantar, Millward Brown
2-How to develop a Marketing Plan in interaction with other departments

Course Learning Objectives

1. Analyze the marketing career complexity and changes in consumers in a digitalized world.
2. Understand the organization's own demands and resources to develop the marketing job.
3. Define marketing career planning and strategies in periods of time.
4. Decision-making in today's reality.
5. Negotianton skills
6. Interpersonal and transactional analysis
7. Analitical techniques and strategic thinking

The objective is to let students apply the marketing knowledge they acquired during the degree, considering the strategic and integrated customer management. The other aim is to help students to identify the mostimportant change factors when managing markets and, therefore, to learnhow to react, starting from formal concepts and models, to the challenges of dynamic environments.






Relation between Activities and Contents

1 2 3


To achieve the objectives of the course, the format of it would be based on learning by doing approach: active participation, lecturers, exercises and case discussion.

Lectures: Faculty will combine theoretical explanations with practical applications, involving guest executives to take part in some of the sessions. Before each lecture class, students must carry out the required readings (case studies, articles and/or recommended bibliography) as indicated in the syllabus. These sessions are devoted to presentation and discussion of frameworks, cases, best practices and concepts/theories that are useful for marketing practice. In general, these lectures are strongly linked to the main topics to be developed in groups.

Participatory sessions: Before participatory sessions, groups should carry out the programmed activities and turn in written reports when specified. In some sessions groups, will provide preliminary presentations of their projects, in others, there may be some individual quizzes.

Course website: A learning area will be available in the Intranet. There, you would find instructions for the sessions, communications, bibliography, etc. Please look at it a couple of times a week. Slides of the sessions will also be posted here, always AFTER the class.

Guest executives with the aim of furthering students' knowledge of very concrete marketing areas, the course is centered on the participation of guest executives specialized in different fields within the industry. The aim is to illustrate the practical application of marketing principles in their different facets.

Project Team: The Marketing Project represents the implementation stage of the learning process through a conceptual but real scenario. Their ultimate aim is to help students deepen in the main topics in line with the course structure. Students will work in teams and will develop a research project on the assigned topic, including a research proposal, desk research, field work, results analysis, and a final word document covering the project.

This is a discussion course, so we encourage your active participation. Sharing your experience with the group will enrich all the participants and make the sessions more dynamic. We will be available for group or individual tutorials during the course. If needed, feel free to contact us by email to schedule an appointment.
Laptop/tablets policy. You are not supposed to use your laptop/tablets during case discussions. You must be 100% focused in the discussions. You may use your laptops/tablets on the lectures/discussion sessions ONLY for academic use. Emailing, Facebooking, tweeting, chatting, skyping, internet surfing, etc. should NOT be done during classes. Doing these would penalize strongly your grade on class participation.



Description %

Assessment criteria

30% Class attendance and active individual participation
40% On individual and group exercises, "take-away? reports (in groups) and occasional individual quizzes
30% Final Group Project
To pass the course, it is necessary to get a positive evaluation in each of the three criteria.

Class attendance
A minimum class attendance of 80% is required to pass the course

Class participation
The quality of what is said and the quality of one's listening and responsiveness to others are important components for the evaluation of class participation. Grading class participation is necessarily subjective. However, we try to make it as "objective as possible?. Some of the criteria for evaluating effective class participation include:
1. Is the participant prepared? Do comments show evidence of analysis of the case/reading/lecture? Do comments add to our understanding of the situation? Does the participant go beyond simple repetition of basic facts without analysis and conclusions? Do comments show an understanding of theories, concepts, and analytical devices presented in class lectures or reading materials?
2. Is the participant a good listener? Are the points made relevant to the discussion? Are they linked to the comments of others? Is the participant willing to interact with other class members?
3. Is the participant an effective communicator? Are concepts presented in a concise and convincing way?


There is no standard textbook for this course
Electronic copies of the required readings will be available to the course participants in the web page of the course.

Timetable and sections

Group Teacher Department
Year 1 Lluís Ferran Blanch Colino Marketing

Timetable Year 1

From 2023/1/9 to 2023/1/20:
From Monday to Friday from 17:30 to 20:00.

Group Teacher Department
Year 2 Lluís Ferran Blanch Colino Marketing

Timetable Year 2

From 2023/1/9 to 2023/1/20:
From Monday to Friday from 17:30 to 20:00.

Group Teacher Department
Year 3 Lluís Ferran Blanch Colino Marketing

Timetable Year 3

From 2023/1/9 to 2023/1/20:
From Monday to Friday from 17:30 to 20:00.

Group Teacher Department
Year 4 Lluís Ferran Blanch Colino Marketing

Timetable Year 4

From 2023/1/9 to 2023/1/20:
From Monday to Friday from 17:30 to 20:00.