
Urban Economics (2225.YR.015282.1)

General information






S semester

ECTS Credits:


Teaching Staff:

Group Teacher Department Language
Year 3 Nicolás Francisco González Pampillón Economía, Finanzas y Contabilidad ENG

Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge of microeconomics and econometrics


This course in urban economics will provide knowledge which will form the basis of original thinking in the development or application of ideas, overall and in a research context. It will improve the capacity of students to communicate conclusions, judgments and the grounds on which they have been reached to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and unambiguously. We help develop students' capacity to recognize, analyse and assess the complexity, functioning and main challenges of socioeconomic reality to contribute to the resolution of the economic problems it faces. Finally, it will improve students' ability to search and analyse data from real-world economics to understand it fully.

Course Learning Objectives

In this course, we will study the economics of cities and urban problems by understanding the effects of geographic location on the decisions of individuals and firms. We will understand how the location of people and firms affects their behaviour and the outcomes they obtain. We will learn about the important advantages of agglomeration, of concentration in space, and explain why workers are more productive in cities. We will also gain insights on the costs of living in cities. Finally, we aimed to learn about the effectiveness of different urban policies.

First, we will focus on answering general questions such as: Why do cities exist? How do firms decide where to locate? What causes economic activity to be unequally distributed across space? What causes economic activity to be unequally distributed across space? Why do people live in cities? What determines the growth and size of a city? Which policies can modify the shape of a city?

After understanding why we live in cities, we will focus on the economic problems that arise due to living in cities. We will analyze different urban economic problems such as crime, transportation and congestion, housing, affordability, gentrification, and segregation. We will also analyze the effectiveness of urban policies aimed to curve urban problems, with the aim of answering the following questions: Do urban and regional policies work? Are these policies desirable?


1. Introduction

What is Urban Economics?
What Is an Urban Area?

2. Market Forces in the Development of Cities

Why Do Cities Exist?
- Quantifying agglomeration economies
Why Do People live in cities?
- Wages and urban sorting
- The motives for agglomeration
The cost of cities

3. Urban growth, city sizes, and their aggregate implications

4. Land Rent and Urban Land-Use Patterns

Introduction to Land Rent and Land Use
The monocentric city model
Suburbanization and Modern Cities
Land-Use Controls and Zoning

5. Poverty and Housing

Segregation and Poverty
Urban growth and decline
- Gentrification
Housing Policies

6. Urban Transportation


7. Education and Crime

8. Local Government

Assessment criteria

1. Take-home "essay type? exam (20% of the final grade).
2. Presentation of a paper (20% of the final grade).
3. Written examination based on the entire content of the subject (60%).


Most of the course will be based on the following text books:

- O'Sullivan, Urban Economics, Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill 2006.

- Gilles Duranton & J. V. Henderson & William C. Strange (ed.), 2015. "Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics," Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, Elsevier, edition 1, volume 5, number 5.

Additional readings:
- Newspaper articles (to be given in class or posted on the web)
- Working papers or published economic papers. They are (and will be) assigned to some lectures.

Timetable and sections

Group Teacher Department
Year 3 Nicolás Francisco González Pampillón Economía, Finanzas y Contabilidad

Timetable Year 3

From 2022/9/8 to 2022/11/24:
Each Thursday from 9:00 to 11:00.

Wednesday 2023/2/1 from 8:00 to 8:15.