
Data Driven Leadership: Leveraging Analytics and AI to Deliver Business Impact (2225.YR.015360.1)

General information






S semester

ECTS Credits:


Teaching Staff:

Group Teacher Department Language
Year 1 Lluís Soldevila Vilasís Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences ENG

Previous Knowledge

A general knowledge about Information Systems in organizations is required, but not a deep knowledge of technology nor computing skills.


Managers must understand how data can be applied to actionable operational insights, analyzing and leveraging data for their organizational strategy, from smart usage of publicly available sources to data visualization techniques that bring numbers to life.

In the this course participants will learn:

- How to apply data to forecasting, marketing, product development, business intelligence, and other core strategic goals to a particular business industry
- Understand the main concepts related to data for decision making without being a data engineer
- Identify how to leverage data for your organization based on the most valuable data sets.
- Communicate with top management about the discoveries and draw strategic responses

Course Learning Objectives

Understand the pillars of leading Digital Transformation leveraging analytics and AT by:
- choosing the right data
- build the right models
- transforming company's capabilities
- applying Digital Leadership


1. Session 1 - Data Driven Leadership in Banking

Keynote: Banc Sabadell

2. Session 2 - Data Driven Leadership in Public Sector

Keynote: Generalitat de Catalunya

3. Session 3 - Data Driven Leadership in Retail

Keynote Speaker: MANGO

4. Session 4 - Data Driven Leadership in Entrepreneurship

Keynote: BINANCE

5. Session 5 - Data Driven Leadership in Social Media

Keynote speaker: Tik Tok

6. Session 6 - Data Driven Leadership in Health

Keynote: GRIFOLS

7. Session 7 - Data Driven Leadership in Industry

Keynote: SEAT

8. Session 8 - Data Driven Leadership in Foods and Beverages

Keynote: Pepsi

9. Session 9 - Data Driven Culture

Keynote: Google


The course is radical practical approach: the learning journey will happen through cases and keynote speakers.
Most of the business industries will be covered, with the aim of providing the student with a complete data analytics skill set.

Assessment criteria

The grade will be distributed as follows:
- 20% class participation (INDIVIDUAL)
- 45% cases and activities (GROUP)
- 35% final assignment (GROUP)


The bibliography will be shared throughout the course based on articles and relevant content for each session.

Timetable and sections

Group Teacher Department
Year 1 Lluís Soldevila Vilasís Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences

Timetable Year 1

From 2023/4/28 to 2023/6/23:
Each Friday from 8:00 to 9:30.
Each Friday from 9:45 to 11:15.