
Technology & Digital Business (2235.YR.009564.1)

General information






S semester

ECTS Credits:


Teaching Staff:

Group Teacher Department Language
Year 1 Jonathan Wareham Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences ENG


Information technologies are rapidly permeating almost every aspect of our physical, economic and social lives. Within business, there are few industries that do not embrace information systems; not only as the backbone of transactions and operations, but increasingly as an additional layer of value added services to be offered to customers. The purpose of this class is to provide students with a broad introduction to information systems: the core technologies, their common managerial challenges, and the business implications and opportunities that arise from them. The class assumes no specific technology background, but will focus on important technologies at a sufficiently operational level to understand their function, economic dynamics, and managerial levers.

Course Learning Objectives

Technology & Digital Business is a challenging subject to teach for 2 main reasons. First, as a discipline, it sits somewhere between computer programming and business strategy. In a similar vein, students in this class will have a very heterogeneous background in information technologies. Some of you will have many years' experience in database management, systems development, or implementation. Where others may be adept consumers of technology, but with little experience or interest in its underlying operations. Accordingly, the class will assume little background in information technologies beyond what is common for today's average technology consumer.


1. Information Systems Core Technologies

After an overall introduction to the class, its contents and methods, we will dive directly into some of the core technologies in all commercial information systems: the Internet (TCP/IP, Blockchain), databases and ERP systems.

2. IT Operations, Infrastructure and Governance

Designing and running large, complex, information systems is hard. Why? It just is¿ But to be more a bit more sophisticated, we will begin to explore the subtle nature of interdependence, systems thinking, path dependence, complexity and scalability, and the importance of disciplined IT governance to successfully manage these factors.

3. Platforms and Technology Ecosystems

Many technology products are no longer composed of a single device, but rather a complex portfolio of core platforms with peripheral, value adding complements and services. We will explore many of the common rules that govern technology ecosystems that are general across many forms of industrial and consumer products with deep consequences for engineering and design, strategy and marketing.

4. Automation, AI, and the IOT

The Internet-connected refrigerator and toaster have long been the kitsch meme of popular culture. But increasingly, software-based services are being extended to traditional manufacturing products; data-intensive, analytics-based services that could connect to any industrial device. But the consequences do not stop with the final products. Increasingly, entire industries are being transformed, with their internal processes and underlying business logic upended.

5. Life Science and Medicine

We will look at the most recent applications in medicine and life science, including the use of AI in clinical practice and the digital platformatization of mRNA therapeutic development.


The class will be based upon background readings as well as significant use of case studies. We will aim for dynamic case discussions which will require that all reading for the class is completed before the class begins.
As the universe of information systems is expanding rapidly, students are encouraged to explore the numerous sources on-line. In parallel with the class readings and case preparations, one group assignment will be required for the entire course. This assignment will be distributed and explained in session 1.

Assessment criteria

Students will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- 10% class participation.
- 40% group assignment
- 50% Individual final exam - the final exam will be hand written. No electronic devices will be permitted (come talk to me if you require a dictionary.) You will be allowed to use 1 A4 piece of paper of any noted that you may desire.


Timetable and sections

Group Teacher Department
Year 1 Jonathan Wareham Operaciones, Innovación y Data Sciences

Timetable Year 1

From 2024/4/3 to 2024/4/8:
Monday and Wednesday from 14:00 to 17:30.

From 2024/4/17 to 2024/5/6:
Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 to 12:30. (Except: 2024/4/19, 2024/4/26 and 2024/5/1)
Each Monday from 10:00 to 13:00. (Except: 2024/4/22 and 2024/4/29)