
Family Business Management (2235.YR.003764.2)

General information






S semester

ECTS Credits:


Teaching Staff:

Group Teacher Department Language
Year 1 Alberto Gimeno Sandig Dirección General y Estrategia ENG

Course Learning Objectives

Family businesses are, by far, the most extended form of organization around the world. Their range goes from SME's to large multinational groups.
Family businesses have specificities and competitive advantages that have to me managed and leverage on them. A family is a superior owner than ¿the market¿.
Obviously ESADE MSc students have to know how to manage their family business, but also those who are not, because it is highly likely that they have to deal with this reality as CEO's or members of a top management team.
The course will give the students the mindsets, frameworks to understand family businesses and tools to manage them.
In concrete the students will be able to:
- Understand the family-business dynamics
- To be able to do an appropriate diagnostic
- To use the tools of family- business management
- To be able to define appropriate processes of change


1. Conceptual framework. Definitions, the family-business dynamics. Family and business as social systems..Management paradigms.

2. The internal dynamic of the Family Business: Murillo Case Study; The Structural Management Model

3. Family Business Diagnosis. Metalmex Case Study

. 4.- Institutionalization and Role Differentiation: The Institutional dynamic. Organs and relations between them.

. 5.- Family business models. It's influence on decisions. Mental problems vs. Structural problems.

. 6.- Communication. Relational patterns. Dyad and Triad. Information family and accountability.

. 7.- Succession: planning and CEO dependency. Power transmission. The succession process.

. 8.- Process: the Uriach Case

. 9.- Model change: Narratives as a strategic tool

. The structure of the sessions will vary according to the content. The methodology includes theoretical presentations, group discussions, role plays, films, written cases and personal cases. The course is based on the book ¿Family Business Models¿ (see selected literature). The different sessions will require the previous reading of different chapters of the book. The sessions will be prepared in groups. At the end of the course the students will do a field work. The first day groups of four to five people will be created. These groups will be the same for all assignments throughout the course, except for the final assignment. Groups are expected to attend to class with the assignments previously prepared and ready to work and discuss them during the lecture. The groups are the operational work units which allow a fluid and agile participation and discussion. The assessment of the activity of the group, prior to and during the class will provide the remaining 25% of the final mark. Students are required to pass both components of the final mark separately to be able to pass the course.


A great variety of methodologies are used during the course. There will be a combination of conceptual presentations, cases, role plays, groupwork, etc. During the course and in the final case an expert system specially developed for this purpose will be used. At the end of the course the student will do a practical case in which each student will analyze a real case and make suggestions for the specific situation they encounter. This assignment is the final examination



Description %
Field work 75
Class participation 10
Group Work 15

Assessment criteria

Class Attendance and Contribution
Attendance to the sessions is compulsory. A student that does not regularly attend cannot pass the course, not even in the extraordinary call. Attendance and individual class contribution are taken into consideration for the final grade and provides 10% of the final grade.

Group activities
The first day groups will be created. These groups will be the same for all assignments throughout the course, except for the final assignment (done individually). Groups are expected to attend to class with the assignments previously prepared and ready to work and discuss them during the session.
The groups are the operational work units which allow a fluid and agile participation and discussion.
The assessment of the activity of the group, prior to and during the class will provide 15% of the final grade.
Field work
There will be no final exam. Instead, the students will present a case prepared with the methodology presented throughout the course.
The case should be prepared individually, but in exceptional cases and upon the approval of the professors, it can be done in pairs.
The case accounts for 75% of the final mark.


Gimeno, A; Baulenas, G. & Comacros, J: (2010) ¿Family business Models: practical solution for the business family, Palmgrave MacMillan, London.

Other required material:
Gersick K. E.; Davis J. A.; Hampton, M. M.; Lansberg, I. 1997. Generation to generation : life cycles of the family business: Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business School Press
Lansberg, I. 1999. Succeeding generations : realizing the dream of families in business. Harvard Business School Press
Miller, D. y Le Breton-Miller, I (2005) Managing For The Long Run: Lessons In Competitive Advantage From Great Family Businesses. Boston Harvard Business School Press
Minuchin, S.; Wai-young, L; Simon, G. 1996. Mastering Family Therapy: Journeys of Growth and Transformation. New York. John Willey & Sons.
Neubaurer, Fred, Lank Alber (1998). The Family Business: Its Governance and Sustainability. New York. Routledge
Ortega y Gasset, J: (1997) Ideas y Creencias. Madrid, Alianza Editorial
Watzlawick, Pl, Weakland, J H., Fisch, R (1985), Change; Principles of Problem Formation and Problem

Timetable and sections

Group Teacher Department
Year 1 Alberto Gimeno Sandig Dirección General y Estrategia

Timetable Year 1

From 2024/4/23 to 2024/6/25:
Each Tuesday from 8:00 to 9:30. (Except: 2024/5/7)
Each Tuesday from 9:45 to 11:15. (Except: 2024/5/7)