
Micro & Macro Organisational Behaviour II (2235.YR.006714.1)

General information






S semester

ECTS Credits:


Teaching Staff:


This course follows on from the core Micro OB course covered in the first semester.

Previous Knowledge

Micro and Macro-Organizational Behavior I


This courses is a continuation of Micro and Macro Macro-Organizational Behavior I

We will be assessing different theoretical perspectives, examine different mechanisms and identify the scope conditions of these mechanisms. We will also evaluate the quality of empirical support for the different perspectives. Finally we will attempt to discuss means of strengthening both arguments and evidence.

Course Learning Objectives

By the end of this course you should:

1 Knowledge of important key theories in Micro-Macro-Organizational Behavior building on what has been learned in Micro-Macro-Orgnizational Behavior I
2 Have the advanced skills to critique current organizational theory and research, which plays an important role in contemporary management research.
3 Developed further your oral skills to debate theories using argument and evidence
4 Develop writing skills to discuss argument and evidence and develop independent arguments and provide contrast between different streams of organization theory.
5 Identify promising areas for future research and designing effective means of addressing them for those who are interested in specific subjects.
6 Developing independent research skills that will be helpful independent of their particular area of specialization.





The course will be organized as a seminar, with classroom activities focusing heavily on discussion of academic theory and research articles that have been published in journals pertinent to the field of micro organizational behaviour, with a particular emphasis on group-based processes.
The course will thus take place in a classic lab-meeting style, in which students and faculty will act as equal contributors in the discussion, with the aim of generating shared knowledge that will also strengthen students' research abilities in preparation for their ongoing and potential future research plans and careers. Students will thus be required to come to class prepared to discuss and present their views on a set of pre-assigned readings.

Assessment criteria

Memos Macro OB
Final Exam Macro OB
Participation Macro OB & Micro OB
Presentation Micro OB
Final Project Micro OB


Timetable and sections